Why lu() factorization is not reducing the execution time?

I am using lu() to reduce the computation time but it turned out not as expected. Any idea why is that?

julia> A = [1 3 3 2;2 6 9 7; -1 -3 3 4]
3×4 Matrix{Int64}:
  1   3  3  2
  2   6  9  7
 -1  -3  3  4

julia> lu(A,check=false)
Failed factorization of type LU{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}

julia> b = [1,2,3]
3-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> @btime A\b
  3.388 μs (37 allocations: 70.50 KiB)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

julia> @btime U\(L\b[p])
  4.029 μs (39 allocations: 71.08 KiB)
4-element Vector{Float64}:

first of all you’re benchmarking in global scope with non-const variables, second, the results are not the same?..

what is U,L,p

First, the right way to use an LU factorization is to call \ with the factorization object, not to individually apply the L and U factors yourself.:

julia> A = randn(1000,1000); b = randn(1000);

julia> LU = lu(A);

julia> @btime $A \ $b;
  9.904 ms (4 allocations: 7.64 MiB)

julia> @btime $LU \ $b;
  241.441 μs (1 allocation: 7.94 KiB)

Second, your matrix is too small:

For a 3x3 matrix, the overhead of LAPACK etcetera is enormous. StaticArrays will be much faster for such small problems if the size is fixed:

julia> A = randn(3,3); b = randn(3);

julia> LU = lu(A);

julia> sA = SMatrix{3,3}(A); sb = SVector{3}(b);

julia> @btime $A \ $b;
  417.249 ns (3 allocations: 384 bytes)

julia> @btime $LU \ $b;
  167.488 ns (1 allocation: 112 bytes)

julia> @btime $sA \ $sb;
  6.537 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

Your matrix is rank-deficient, so the decomposition fails - unless you’re tied to a particular decomposition, you can instead use factorize(A), which dispatches to a polyalgorithm according to the properties of A (see this chart, or the docs). For example,

julia> f = factorize(A)
QRPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}
Q factor:
3×3 LinearAlgebra.QRPackedQ{Float64, Matrix{Float64}}:
 -0.301511  -0.275241  -0.912871
 -0.904534  -0.220193   0.365148
 -0.301511   0.935819  -0.182574
R factor:
3×4 Matrix{Float64}:
 -9.94987  -5.4272   -8.14081      -1.80907
  0.0      -4.95434   1.65145      -1.65145
  0.0       0.0       1.50772e-15   2.36998e-16
4-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> f\b
4-element Vector{Float64}:

Julia’s speed requires that the compiler can figure out the machine representation (the type) of all the variables participating in a calculation. With non-constant global variables, you can redefine their types in the middle of a calculation, or between function calls, which makes it impossible for the compiler to optimize functions that depend on such variables. There’s little point to benchmarking a function if it’s hobbled by global variables - we know it’ll be slow.


The error message (“matrix is not square”) tells you exactly what is wrong — you can’t do an LU factorization of a non-square (3x4) matrix.

(In real applications, usually you know what kind of problem you are solving in advance, so you don’t need to resort to multiple factorization branches at runtime.)

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See the \ documentation (type ?\ in the REPL):

For rectangular A the result is the minimum-norm least squares solution computed by a pivoted QR factorization of A and a rank estimate of A based on the R factor.

In your case, you have a 3x4 matrix A, so Ax=b is an under-determined system of equations with infinitely many solutions, and as explained above it returns the solution with the smallest possible norm.

inv(A) does not exist for a non-square matrix. However, A \ b is equivalent (numerically, not computationally) to pinv(A) * b, where pinv is the pseudo-inverse. Computationally, one rarely needs to compute a matrix inverse (or pseudo-inverse) explicitly.

Well, you could type ==(size(A)...) if you want something more compact. There is also LinearAlgebra.checksquare, but that throws an error if the matrix is non-square (it’s intended for use in functions that require a square matrix.

What is your application that you don’t know ahead of time if you want an exact solution or a least-square solution (whether your problem is over/underdetermined or square/non-singular)?

You can do qr(A, val(true)) \ b if you know that you always want to use the QR minimum-norm/least-square solution (which gives the exact solution if A is square and invertible).


Please take a look at the documentation, which should answer most of your questions.

It is generally faster and numerically better to do A\B rather than inv(A)*B. More info is available in any modern linear algebra class or book that talks about computations. If the book uses Matlab then they will explicitly use \. Edit: fix backslash


Thank you for your guide.

when the matrix is sparse…

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yes because doing A and B is always gonna be slower than just doing A, in this case, lu() is needed for inv():

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