The following is the simple function for the test.
function vec_prod(n)
output = 0;
vec = collect(1:n)
mat = Array{Float64}(undef, n, n)
mat .= vec .* vec'
matt1 = mat .* mat
matt2 = mat * mat
output = dot(matt1, matt2)
return output
@btime vec_prod(50)
14.800 ΞΌs (7 allocations: 59.31 KiB)
If I change mat = Array{Int64}(undef, n, n),
59.800 ΞΌs (10 allocations: 90.06 KiB)
From my investigation, I figured out that the speed bottleneck for the case of {Int64} was matt2 = mat * mat. If I remove this matrix multiplication part, like switching that part with matt2 = matt1,
4.571 ΞΌs (5 allocations: 39.70 KiB)
3.786 ΞΌs (5 allocations: 39.70 KiB)
The case of {Int64} is faster.
Iβve tested with pre-defining matt2 and/or using mul! of LinearAlgebra. The results were the same.
Why is the matrix multiplication with integer matrices much slower than with float ones? It looks like this is some kind of bug.