Why is my root process so much longer than my other processes?

I’m trying to profile my code with the @profview command in VScode. After ~1000 seconds of running, this is what the profiling gives me:

What could be the reasons root taking so much longer than all my other processes?

I have a function compare_eigenvals(;kwargs...) that I defined myself and I just run the code:

@profview @time Λs_model, Λs_RN =  compare_eigenvals(;kwargs...)

Scrolling down in the profile graph yields:

So except from the big time loss after root, all of the calculation time is used for the function.
I have ran this multiple times, so I don’t think its a compilation problem. I also get 0.59% gc time and 0.13% compilation time.

Do you run julia with multiple threads? I think that empty space are the unused threads, you might try selecting the main thread in that dropdown menu

I checked just the main thread, and that one gives the same distribution as the picture. The other threads don’t give anything.