BTW, *
in Julia’s AST do not say it’s left- or right-associative:
julia> dump(:(1 * 2 * 3))
head: Symbol call
args: Array{Any}((4,))
1: Symbol *
2: Int64 1
3: Int64 2
4: Int64 3
(I found that it’s strange. Why is that?)
So it’s easy to get right-associative *
a la future-import (provided you do it before any use of *
julia> module RightAssociative
*(a) = Base.:*(a)
*(a, b) = Base.:*(a, b)
*(args...) = *(args[1:end-2]..., *(args[end-1], args[end]))
julia> using .RightAssociative: *
julia> Base.:*(x::Symbol, y) = Symbol("($x * $y)")
julia> :a * :b * :c
Symbol("(a * (b * c))")
where the result of the last output would be Symbol("((a * b) * c)")
without using .RightAssociative: *