Why is multiplication A*B*C left-associative (`foldl`) not right-associative (`foldr`)?

I would say this is very worthwhile and probably the right way to go, but am weary of it using *. It would be nice to have to prototyped in v1.0 using a different operator.


I actually had it left-associative at first. I think I’ll do this:

  1. Have both leftmaterialize and rightmaterialize
  2. materialize(M::Mul) = leftmaterialize(M)
  3. M*x lowers to materialize(Mul(M.factors..., x)) and is slow and unadvised
  4. M⋆x lowers to rightmaterialize(Mul(M.factors..., x)) and is fast.

Weak Laplacians can still be written Δ = B'D'D*B, as the construction of the operators works fine either case.

What about something like this?

julia> reduce(
              println("I am doing $y*$x");
           "abcd"  # here I simulate array of matrices/vectors ;)
I am doing c*d
I am doing b*cd
I am doing a*bcd

You can also make use of https://github.com/AustinPrivett/MatrixChainMultiply.jl for an optimal materialize as the default? This works on any matrices, and would end up doing the rightmaterialize in an A*B*v.

As another data point, https://github.com/Jutho/LinearMaps.jl uses lazy right to left evaluation for products of LinearMaps.

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That’s also our approach in LinearOperators.jl.

BTW, * in Julia’s AST do not say it’s left- or right-associative:

julia> dump(:(1 * 2 * 3))
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((4,))
    1: Symbol *
    2: Int64 1
    3: Int64 2
    4: Int64 3

(I found that it’s strange. Why is that?)

So it’s easy to get right-associative * a la future-import (provided you do it before any use of *):

julia> module RightAssociative
       *(a) = Base.:*(a)
       *(a, b) = Base.:*(a, b)
       *(args...) = *(args[1:end-2]..., *(args[end-1], args[end]))

julia> using .RightAssociative: *

julia> Base.:*(x::Symbol, y) = Symbol("($x * $y)")

julia> :a * :b * :c
Symbol("(a * (b * c))")

where the result of the last output would be Symbol("((a * b) * c)") without using .RightAssociative: *.


I just guess: you could for example multiply 3 matrices without intermediate allocation? (So it looks to me rather beautiful than strange)

julia> import Base.*

julia> *(a,b,c) = a+b+c
* (generic function with 344 methods)

julia> 3*4 == 3*4*5
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One could define function Base.:*(args::Vararg{AbstractArray,N}) where N to choose the optimal order based on sizes (maybe dispatch on DenseArray).

Why isn’t LinearAlgebra doing that?

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I can see the point. But you can do the same argument for any (potentially) associative binary operators like function composition. I felt puzzling because it seems this representation is used only for * and + AFAICT:

julia> dump(:(a + b + c))
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((4,))
    1: Symbol +
    2: Symbol a
    3: Symbol b
    4: Symbol c

julia> dump(:(a - b - c))
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: Symbol -
    2: Expr
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array{Any}((3,))
        1: Symbol -
        2: Symbol a
        3: Symbol b
    3: Symbol c

julia> dump(:(a ∘ b ∘ c))
  head: Symbol call
  args: Array{Any}((3,))
    1: Symbol ∘
    2: Expr
      head: Symbol call
      args: Array{Any}((3,))
        1: Symbol ∘
        2: Symbol a
        3: Symbol b
    3: Symbol c

Looking at the parser, it’s used for ++ as well:

On second thought, (linear) operators are really “functions of vectors” (at least in their mathematical definition), so the mathematical notation ABCx is actually shorthand for (A∘B∘C)(x), not A*B*C*x