Hi all,
I am new to Julia and am experimenting with trying to create compact code. I created the following types:
module Types
export Percentage
struct Percentage <: Real
Percentage(x) = x < 0 ? 0 : x > 1 ? 1 : new(round(x, digits = 6))
Base.show(io::IO, x::Percentage) = print(io, "$(x.value * 100)%")
Base.convert(::Type{Percentage}, x::Real) = Percentage(x)
Base.convert(::Type{Percentage}, x::Percentage) = x
Base.promote_rule(::Type{T}, ::Type{Percentage}) where T <: Real = Percentage
import Base: +, -, <, >, <=, >=, ==
+(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = Percentage(x.value + y.value)
-(x::Percentage) = Percentage(-x.value)
-(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = Percentage(x.value - y.value)
<(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = x.value < y.value
<=(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = x.value <= y.value
>(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = x.value > y.value
>=(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = x.value >= y.value
==(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = x.value == y.value
Base.max(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = Percentage(max(x.value, y.value))
Base.min(x::Percentage, y::Percentage) = Percentage(min(x.value, y.value))
abstract type Longevity end
struct Mechanical <: Longevity
damage_thresholds::Vector{Tuple{Percentage, Float64}}
repair_thresholds::Vector{Tuple{Percentage, Float64}}
health::Real = 1;
damage_thresholds::Vector{Tuple{Percentage,Real}} = Vector(),
repair_thresholds::Vector{Tuple{Percentage,Real}} = Vector(),
) = Mechanical(Percentage(health), damage_thresholds, repair_thresholds)
I tried to use the Mechanical constructor with an Int
expecting that the int would call the Percentage() constructor and the rest of the parameters would be set to their default values. Instead I get the following error:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching #Mechanical#10(::Array{Any,1}, ::Array{Any,1}, ::Type{Mechanical}, ::Int64)
Closest candidates are:
#Mechanical#10(::Array{Tuple{Percentage,Real},1}, ::Array{Tuple{Percentage,Real},1}, ::Type{Mechanical}, ::Real) at /Users/stef/Programming/Julia Projects/Simulation Cockpit/cockpit/Entities.jl:35
[1] Mechanical(::Int64) at /Users/stef/Programming/Julia Projects/Simulation Cockpit/cockpit/Entities.jl:35
[2] top-level scope at none:1
I’m completely confused with the suggested constructor since the order of the parameters looks completely out of whack. I guess I’m missing something but I don’t know what to be honest.
Thanks in advance,