Why does sortperm! allocate here?


I think I am missing something really simple, I just don’t get why allocations occur, when I have preallocated index array.

function main()
    Cartesians    = Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}(undef, 100)
    SortedIndices = collect(LinearIndices(Cartesians))

    # Fill the array with random CartesianIndex{2} values
    for i in 1:100
        # Assuming you want indices in the range 1:10 for both dimensions
        Cartesians[i] = CartesianIndex(rand(1:10), rand(1:10))

    for iter = 1:5
        b = @allocated sortperm!(SortedIndices, Cartesians)
        println("Iteration ", iter, " : ", b , " allocated bytes")


Iteration 1 : 896 allocated bytes
Iteration 2 : 896 allocated bytes
Iteration 3 : 896 allocated bytes
Iteration 4 : 896 allocated bytes
Iteration 5 : 896 allocated bytes

Could anyone explain it to me?

Kind regards

sortperm! (and other sorting functions) use a “scratch” space for efficiency. If not given a pre-allocated one, they will allocate a new one.

To do the pre-allocation:

function main()
    Cartesians    = Vector{CartesianIndex{2}}(undef, 10000)
    SortedIndices = collect(LinearIndices(Cartesians))
    _, t = Base.Sort.make_scratch(nothing, eltype(SortedIndices), length(Cartesians))

    # Fill the array with random CartesianIndex{2} values
    for i in 1:100
        # Assuming you want indices in the range 1:10 for both dimensions
        Cartesians[i] = CartesianIndex(rand(1:10), rand(1:10))

    for iter = 1:5
        b = @allocated sortperm!(SortedIndices, Cartesians; scratch=t)
        println("Iteration ", iter, " : ", b , " allocated bytes")

(the above returns 0 allocated memory for each iter on my machine)


Amazing Dan, thank you!

I confirm it does not allocate any more.

I would argue that the documentation for sortperm! is lacking.

help?> sortperm!
search: sortperm! partialsortperm! sortperm partialsortperm

  sortperm!(ix, A; alg::Algorithm=DEFAULT_UNSTABLE, lt=isless, by=identity, rev::Bool=false, order::Ordering=Forward, [dims::Integer])

  Like sortperm, but accepts a preallocated index vector or array ix with the same axes as A. ix is initialized to contain the values LinearIndices(A).

  │ Warning
  │  Behavior can be unexpected when any mutated argument shares memory with any other argument.

  │ Julia 1.9
  │  The method accepting dims requires at least Julia 1.9.


Do you think it is worth opening an issue on Github for? For me before this I’ve naturally associated any function which is in-place ! to also be allocation free, while I do admit that this does not have to be the case, I believe most have this default expectation?

Kind regards

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Yeah. Documenting this sounds like a good idea. You are right about the intuitive assumption regarding function with ! at end.

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Filed issue: Missing documentation: sortperm! is not truly non-allocating unless scratchspace is provided · Issue #53834 · JuliaLang/julia · GitHub