Why does "QuadGK.jl" not behave the same as "Integrals.jl with QuadGKJL()"

I am writing a program to perform a spherical Bessel transformation which requires some one dimensional integrals but I am having some trouble with the Integrals.jl package.

Naturally my first attempt to do this was to use QuadGK.jl but I also wanted to try using the Integrals.jl package since I might want to make use of it’s in place or batching features in the future. I am aware that the QuadGK.jl package also has in place features with quadgk! but even then I’d prefer to understand what I am doing wrong.

using QuadGK
using Integrals
using SpecialFunctions
using Plots

When I do this with the QuadGK package my code looks as follows:

function spherical_bessel_transform(f::Function, root::Float64, nu::Int64)::Float64

    norm = 2 / sphericalbesselj(nu + 1, root)^2;

    func = (x) -> x^2 * f(x) * sphericalbesselj(nu, root * x);

    return norm * quadgk(func, 0, 1; atol=1e-14, rtol=1e-14)[1];


When I do this with the Integrals package my code looks as follows:

function spherical_bessel_transform(f::Function, root::Float64, nu::Int64)::Float64

    norm = 2 / sphericalbesselj(nu + 1, root)^2;

    func = (x, p) -> x^2 * f(x) * sphericalbesselj(nu, root * x);

    prob = IntegralProblem(func, 0, 1; abstol = 1e-14, reltol = 1e-14);

    sol = solve(prob, QuadGKJL());

    return norm * sol.u;


I plot both of these methods for a test function as follows:

test_func = (x) -> exp(-x^2 * 10000);

test_roots = collect(1.0:500.0) * pi

plot(spherical_bessel_transform.(test_func, test_roots, 0))

They should both give the same results but the result using “Integrals.jl” does not look right.

I do not understand why these would give different results since they are supposedly using the same machinery under the hood.

Hi, I took a look and I think that you are passing your tolerances to the IntegralProblem instead of to solve. The following should reproduce your QuadGK.jl result

function spherical_bessel_transform(f::Function, root::Float64, nu::Int64)::Float64

    norm = 2 / sphericalbesselj(nu + 1, root)^2;

    func = (x, p) -> x^2 * f(x) * sphericalbesselj(nu, root * x);

    prob = IntegralProblem(func, 0, 1);

    sol = solve(prob, QuadGKJL(); abstol = 1e-14, reltol = 1e-14);

    return norm * sol.u;


In this regard, the IntegralProblem documentation is misleading and could be improved since in fact “kwargs: Keyword arguments copied to the solvers” is not actually implemented.

Ref: `IntegralProblem` keywords not passed to solvers · Issue #242 · SciML/Integrals.jl · GitHub

Thank you @Laura for reporting this!

Passing the tolerance to the solver instead of the problem worked. Thank you very much.