Why are there all these strange stumbling blocks in Julia?

There are two: div and ÷, the latter being an infix operator.

Type conversion is completely straightforward: Int(x). If you are talking about parsing strings into numbers, that is not conversion, but parsing, and is, appropriately, called parse.

This is a big discussion, but string concatenation is more like multiplication than like addition, therefore * does in fact make more sense, but it is more unfamiliar to new users.

0-based indexing is good in some places, 1-based in other places. I scientific programming 1-based is better, and frankly, IMO, it also makes a lot more sense in general. It’s too much to get into here, though.

Nothing wrong with that syntax, but braces was used for a different purpose in Julia, which was more important. Also, dictionaries are probably less important and less used in Julia than in Python.