Where will be JuliaCon 2025?

Just out of curiosity, is the location for JuliaCon 2025 already been defined?

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I don’t know. Where do you think it should be?

So, it hasn’t yet been decided ?
Well, these are the locations of past events:
2014: MIT
2015: MIT
2016: MIT
2017: Berkeley, California
2018: London
2019: Baltimore
2020 - 2022: Online
2023: Cambridge, Massachusetts
2024: Eindhoven, Netherlands

I guess that if there is a substantial Julia community and a proactive local organizational committee it could be done somewhere it has never been, like south America (Brasil?) or Asia (India?)
Otherwise more traditional locations as US (MIT?.. it’s a while…), France (Paris?), Germany …

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While it is fine to brainstorm about this, the difficulty isn’t so much coming up with interesting countries but finding an appropriate venue (with enough and also big enough rooms) and locals who are willing to organize JuliaCon, which is a lot of work!

(Fwiw, personally, I’d love to see it in India at some point “again”.)


Was it in India at some point?

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I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for strong Julia communities aspiring to host JuliaCon to start with regional JuliaCons. It would provide the organizers with more experience and they would host an event more often.


The first JuliaCon was held at the Gleacher Center of the University of Chicago.

I do not know why they striked the text to announce the location of JuliaCon 2015 at MIT.

There was an “unofficial” one in 2015: https://juliacon.in/


My opinion is that we need more JuliaCon Locals more than anything.

How did JuliaCon Global end up in Eindhoven this year?

  1. Matthjis Cox posts on LinkedIn that perhaps we should have a JuliaCon Eindhoven after a local meetup:
    Matthijs Cox on LinkedIn: #julialanguage | 21 comments

  2. Local organizers put together a JuliaCon Local in Eindhoven:
    JuliaCon Local Eindhoven 2023

  3. The global organizing committee selects Eindhoven.

If you want JuliaCon to come to you, start organizing locally.


It would be very helpful if the Julia website had information on how to organize a local JuliaCon. Experience from previous events could be very valuable.

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Well, in 2020, we had arranged for the conference to be held in person here in Lisbon. Then, a nasty intruder forced the conference to be online. If people want a second go here in Lisbon, we will set up a local committee to organize JuliaCon 2025. Facilities are good (at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and free of charge) in the city’s center, and we are glad to help.


Please find this new related thread with the call for hosts. @VivMendes please do email us or find the organizers at JuliaCon 2024 (if you will be there) to make Lisbon available for consideration.


Indeed, it was such a pity that Lisbon fell flat. I had already booked my hotel and was looking forward to it so much. Would love to see it there at some point!


Please note of course that Lisbon would probably be a preferred location for 2026, since we are trying to swap between continents ~every year (Americas → Europe ->Americas).

However this isn’t set in stone and we are very open to other continents and locations. We are also very keen for local committees to form and organize JuliaCon Locals. We will probably release more info on this soon.


Hi @ranjan, @rayegun,

Moving JuliaCon from one continent to another seems balanced and fair.

As far as Lisbon is concerned, I was trying to be helpful by making the place available. But possibly, I was misunderstood. I am not pushing to bring JuliaCon to Lisbon and my institution. And we do not feel comfortable entering a contest to see whether my university (whose generosity will provide good conference rooms at no charge), Lisbon, and ourselves look suitable for the conference. If the organizing committee considers Lisbon OK to accommodate JuliaCon, we will gladly and committedly provide local support. If another location is chosen, we take that as a perfectly normal situation.

Would it make sense in 2025 or 2026 to split JuliaCon into at least two: JuliaCon North America and JuliaCon Europe? The Julia communities in those regions seem strong enough to host an annual event.

In the future, similarly, there could be JuliaCon Asia or JuliaCon South America.

@VivMendes How many people do you think we could accommodate there in Lisbon?


It is too early to consider any arrangement for 2026, particularly the institution, because new constraints or regulations may arise. I expect the current policy will remain the same (academic and nonprofit conferences may use the campus facilities free of charge), but we never know what the future may bring.

The number of attendees we can accommodate in our facilities depends on what the organizing committee wants to do. If the option is to hold, let’s say, 8-15 parallel sessions using only auditoriums, around 2,400 people can be accommodated.

  • 1 auditorium 550 seats here
  • 1 audit. 300 seats here
  • 4 audit. 200 seats each here
  • 3 audit 100 seats each here
  • 6 audit 80 seats each here

If the number of parallel sessions increases, regular classrooms (plenty of these with 70, 60, and 50 seats) or older auditoriums (3) may be used. In this case, the number of attendees that can be accommodated would be much larger than above.