Where does Julia (ecosystem) provide the greatest speedup, and where does it lag the most behind (compared to e.g. Python)?

I haven’t done it myself or seen something extensive yet. But yeah, it’d be nice to have one.

Rust actually has Rayon (inspired by Cilk) which has task parallelism with limited concurrency support (“may happen in parallel”), just like Cilk: rayon::scope - Rust. A quick websearch also suggests that D and Nim also have task parallel framework.

I wouldn’t dismiss those new “systems” languages (whatever it means) as non-contender for becoming a good parallel platform (for computing in general). For one thing, they all seem to trend toward having an ownership model building into the compiler. It is a big relief in programming in such a system, especially for highly concurrent programs.

Of course, this kind of system tends to get in the way if you are interactively exploring things while programming. Furthermore, for scientific/technical computing, we don’t need full concurrency semantics most of the time and so we are probably OK to not optimize Julia for manual reasoning/assurance of “hard” concurrent problems.

Yup, we can do this exactly the reason why DifferentialEquations.jl was successful; good higher-order function support. It should be possible go beyond simple distributed iteration and doing something like GPU-on-distributed and also custom containers beyond simple arrays.

FLoops.jl (via Transducers.OnInit) already can kind of do this. But I think we need a more straightforward syntax and a good tutorial.

Yes, I personally agree with this. There are still a lot of possible improvements. Currently, people mainly worry about spawn/wait overhead. But I guess the next thing to come up will be concurrent GC compared to Go or Java. There is still a long way to go in terms of the base system and the ecosystem. But I believe we are on a good trajectory.