I am using Plot recipes to create a plot overload for a special type of input.
The result is a scatter plot with something like:
@recipe function f(ms::MyStruct)
seriestype --> :scatter
ms.x_vals, ms.y_vals
How do I create individual labels for each of the dots? If I do e.g.
label --> "Dot " .* string.(1:length(ms.x_vals))
I get a single label like ["Dot 1", "Dot 2", ...]. Is there a way around it? I could do it with several plot commands (plot followed by plot!), but I am not sure how to combine this with plot recipes.
You need each point to be it’s own series to do that, that’s the internal logic. To create new series in a recipe, use the @series macro:
@recipe function f(ms::MyStruct)
seriestype --> :scatter
for i in eachindex(ms.x_vals)
@series begin
label := "Dot $i"
ms.x_vals[i:i], ms.y_vals[i:i]