What is the criterion to be supported in Unicode Input in Julia REPL?

What is the criterion to be adopted in Unicode Input in Julia REPL?
The list (Unicode Input · The Julia Language) shows most of the famous LaTeX completion sequences are supported but some alternative names (such as \lor and \land) are not.

Instead of \land and \lor we use \wedge and \vee provided by

I know \wedge = \vee and \land = \lor but my question is why some synonyms are adopted but not completed for all. I think to understand it I need to know the criterion to be supported or the history of the implementation.

The code used to generate the list of symbols can be found here:

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I am not aware of an expicit policy, my impression is that these things are decided on a case by case basis. You can see some past and current discussions here:

Opening an issue cannot hurt.