I am currently converting my Matlab code into Julia code. In an effort to converting the Matlab off-the-shelf function maxk, which returns the values and indices of the top K largest/smallest values, I found it difficult to find such function in Julia.
There may be something more efficient, but sortperm
should do what you want:
julia> a = shuffle(11:15)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> b = sortperm(a)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> collect(zip(b, a[b]))
5-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Int64},1}:
(5, 11)
(2, 12)
(4, 13)
(3, 14)
(1, 15)
As above, you can also use partialsortperm(a, 1:3)
to only get the first 3 indices, and so on. It should run a little faster. Here’s a link to the documentation, and an implementation of maxk
. Note I use rev=true
to get the largest elements.
function maxk(a, k)
b = partialsortperm(a, 1:k, rev=true)
return collect(zip(b, a[b]))
Thanks for the code. However, I found that maxk in Matlab is way faster(4.7 times in Matlab 2018a) than the maxk in Julia.
for i=1:10000
for i=1:10000
Is it possible for the maxk in Julia to be as fast as that in Matlab?
Have a look at the performance tips. Here is how I would time:
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> a = randn(1000);
julia> @btime maxk($a, 10);
11.064 μs (8 allocations: 8.47 KiB)
I see a >30x improvement when I use partialsortperm!
(an in-place version of partialsortperm
) and I pass in a pre-initialized vector ix=collect(1:10)
julia> function maxk!(ix, a, k; initialized=false)
partialsortperm!(ix, a, 1:k, rev=true, initialized=initialized)
return collect(zip(ix, a[ix]))
maxk! (generic function with 1 method)
julia> ix = collect(1:10);
julia> @btime maxk!($ix, $a, 10, true);
345.111 ns (7 allocations: 544 bytes)
Edit: a more general maxk!
where ix
may not necessarily be initialized.
Editx2: See @Elrod below
I don’t think maxk!
is correct.
julia> function maxk!(ix, a, k; initialized=false)
partialsortperm!(ix, a, 1:k, rev=true, initialized=initialized)
return collect(zip(ix, a[ix]))
maxk! (generic function with 1 method)
julia> q = randn(1000);
julia> idx = collect(1:10);
julia> maxk!(idx, q, 10, initialized = true)
10-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64},1}:
(4, 0.20337986959767532)
(6, -0.3077570887074856)
(1, -0.6107099712370375)
(5, -0.6993273979405977)
(10, -0.7794269061061618)
(2, -0.8531978408910773)
(7, -0.9704489858497608)
(8, -1.1237782702811618)
(9, -1.2057372641871114)
(3, -2.813777795383793)
julia> maximum(q)
julia> idx'
1×10 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Int64,Array{Int64,1}}:
4 6 1 5 10 2 7 8 9 3
julia> partialsortperm(q, 1:10, rev=true)'
1×10 LinearAlgebra.Adjoint{Int64,SubArray{Int64,1,Array{Int64,1},Tuple{UnitRange{Int64}},true}}:
626 425 940 40 594 811 88 133 278 128
julia> q[ans]
1×10 Array{Float64,2}:
4.03231 3.60551 3.07742 2.75559 2.69597 2.45856 2.25731 2.2014 2.19445 2.18963
You need:
function maxk!(ix, a, k; initialized=false)
partialsortperm!(ix, a, 1:k, rev=true, initialized=initialized)
@views collect(zip(ix[1:k], a[ix[1:k]]))
julia> idx = collect(1:length(q));
julia> maxk!(idx, q, 10, initialized = true)
1000-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64},1}:
(626, 4.032311634752638)
(425, 3.6055071635748828)
(940, 3.07741625532675)
(40, 2.755589275585265)
(594, 2.695973149935006)
(811, 2.4585577302387667)
(88, 2.2573122866282973)
(133, 2.2014028244112733)
(278, 2.1944512712785187)
(128, 2.1896301246037284)
Because this was marked the solution, I want to point out that it isn’t notably faster than the other answers on the computer I tried this on.
julia> @benchmark maxk!($idx, $q, 10)# setup=(copyto!($idx, 1:length($q)))
memory estimate: 544 bytes
allocs estimate: 10
minimum time: 9.098 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 9.257 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 9.671 μs (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 26.930 μs (0.00% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
julia> b = @benchmarkable maxk!($idx, $q, 10, initialized=true) setup=(copyto!($idx, 1:length($q)))
Benchmark(evals=1, seconds=5.0, samples=10000)
julia> run(b)
memory estimate: 544 bytes
allocs estimate: 10
minimum time: 8.966 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 9.127 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 9.440 μs (0.00% GC)
maximum time: 21.891 μs (0.00% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
julia> function maxk(a, k)
b = partialsortperm(a, 1:k, rev=true)
return collect(zip(b, a[b]))
maxk (generic function with 1 method)
julia> @benchmark maxk($q, 10)
memory estimate: 8.47 KiB
allocs estimate: 8
minimum time: 9.749 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 11.382 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 16.790 μs (31.13% GC)
maximum time: 42.964 ms (99.93% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
You should have used
as a fair comparison
A comparison between maxk
(the not-in-place version) in Julia 1.0 and maxk
in Matlab R2018a shows that Julia is several times faster two times slower for this particular test on my laptop.
Julia 1.0.0:
using BenchmarkTools
function maxk(a, k)
b = partialsortperm(a, 1:k, rev=true)
return collect(zip(b, a[b]))
a = randn(1000)
k = 10
@benchmark maxk($a,$k)
memory estimate: 8.47 KiB
allocs estimate: 8
minimum time: 9.079 μs (0.00% GC)
median time: 9.475 μs (0.00% GC)
mean time: 16.670 μs (38.25% GC)
maximum time: 50.874 ms (99.91% GC)
samples: 10000
evals/sample: 1
Matlab R2018a:
a = randn(1000,1);
k = 10;
f = @() maxk(a,k);
tmedian = timeit(f)
tmedian =
Edit: Fixed wrong comparison (it was too late at night…).
Looks like the Matlab version is >2x faster to me.
Yes, looking at previous discussions it seems like Matlab’s sort functions are multi-threaded and heavily optimized, so they will be tough to beat. I did a naive threaded implementation here, which starts to have some gains over single-threaded for large a
julia> using Base.Threads
julia> nthreads()
julia> function maxk_threaded(a, k)
ix = Vector{Int}(undef, k*nthreads())
block_size = ceil(Int, length(a)/nthreads())
@threads for thread_id in 1:nthreads()
ix_start = (thread_id-1)*block_size
ix_end = min(length(a), thread_id*block_size)
ix[((thread_id-1)*k+1):(thread_id*k)] = ix_start .+ partialsortperm(@view(a[(1+ix_start):ix_end]), 1:k, rev=true)
partialsortperm!(ix, a, 1:k, rev=true, initialized=true)
@views collect(zip(ix[1:k], a[ix[1:k]]))
maxk_threaded (generic function with 1 method)
julia> a = randn(10000);
julia> @btime maxk($a, 10)
70.201 μs (9 allocations: 78.73 KiB)
10-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64},1}:
(3840, 3.7524106800393)
(1359, 3.667162944745407)
(4738, 3.46128657912246)
(8532, 3.349067643815953)
(8314, 3.3363898988561234)
(3542, 3.3297030468239965)
(1159, 3.2795246783768923)
(9436, 3.259918244413647)
(9418, 3.254388944717796)
(2198, 3.155524296051535)
julia> @btime maxk_threaded($a, 10)
53.894 μs (23 allocations: 1.58 KiB)
10-element Array{Tuple{Int64,Float64},1}:
(3840, 3.7524106800393)
(1359, 3.667162944745407)
(4738, 3.46128657912246)
(8532, 3.349067643815953)
(8314, 3.3363898988561234)
(3542, 3.3297030468239965)
(1159, 3.2795246783768923)
(9436, 3.259918244413647)
(9418, 3.254388944717796)
(2198, 3.155524296051535)
Got a reasonably fast solution here using the SortingLab.jl, see
I am not sure how fast it is compared to Matlab. Perhaps @complexfilter can do a test and share the results.
I found a ~10x faster alternative to partialsortperm
using StaticArrays.jl and an insertion sort. This is still the top answer on Google so thought I’d add to this in case people are looking for a super fast maxk
using StaticArrays: MVector
const MAXK = 10_000 # Just to preallocate Val(i); increase as needed
const PREALLOC_VALS = ntuple(Val, MAXK)
bottomk(x, k) = _bottomk_dispatch(x, PREALLOC_VALS[k])
function _bottomk_dispatch(x::AbstractVector{T}, ::Val{k}) where {T,k}
@assert k >= 2
indmin = MVector{k}(ntuple(_ -> 0, k))
minval = MVector{k}(ntuple(_ -> typemax(T), k))
_bottomk!(x, minval, indmin)
return [minval...], [indmin...]
function _bottomk!(x, minval, indmin)
@inbounds @fastmath for i in eachindex(x)
new_min = x[i] < minval[end]
if new_min
minval[end] = x[i]
indmin[end] = i
for ki in length(minval):-1:2
need_swap = minval[ki] < minval[ki - 1]
if need_swap
minval[ki], minval[ki - 1] = minval[ki - 1], minval[ki]
indmin[ki], indmin[ki - 1] = indmin[ki - 1], indmin[ki]
return nothing
we can see that it is much faster than the partialsortperm
julia> @btime bottomk(x, 5) setup=(x=randn(1000));
779.506 ns (5 allocations: 320 bytes)
julia> @btime partialsortperm(x, 1:5) setup=(x=randn(1000));
8.122 μs (4 allocations: 12.05 KiB)
even if I use preallocation:
julia> idx = collect(eachindex(x));
julia> @btime partialsortperm!(idx, x, 1:5) setup=(x=randn(1000));
7.365 μs (4 allocations: 4.16 KiB)
and gives the same outputs:
julia> bottomk(x, 5)[2]
5-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> partialsortperm(x, 1:5)
5-element view(::Vector{Int64}, 1:5) with eltype Int64:
This is an extension of @Elrod’s solution in Why is minimum so much faster than argmin? - #11 by Elrod. I couldn’t seem to get @turbo
working for topk
here (but please share if you find one!)
For large k, a max-heap stored as a binary tree on a StaticArray, should allow it to come down to O( n \log(k)), instead of O(n k) of the code above.
julia> using DataStructures
julia> function MaxN7(cr,N)
maxn = heapify!(cr[1:N])
@inbounds for i in N+1:length(cr)
if maxn1 < e
MaxN7 (generic function with 1 method)
# on my laptop
julia> @btime MaxN7(x, 5) setup=(x=randn(1000));
722.951 ns (1 allocation: 96 bytes)
julia> @btime bottomk(x, 5) setup=(x=randn(1000));
752.137 ns (5 allocations: 320 bytes)
Thanks @rocco_sprmnt21. Note that bottomk
returns the indices as well. Can you modify yours to do so?
Partly as a note to myself and partly as a note to the reader, I was curious about this, so here are some more detailed benchmarks comparing @rocco_sprmnt21 and the code I pasted above. However note that @rocco_sprmnt21’s does not return indices so performance is not completely comparable (but probably scales the same).
(@rocco_sprmnt21 when you get a chance to send an updated copy with indices, I can re-do the comparison)
using BenchmarkTools
suite = BenchmarkGroup()
# Create the benchmark over n and k:
for n in [10, 100, 1000, 10_000], k in [2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
k > n && continue
foreach(["bottomk_fast", "maxn7"]) do s
!haskey(suite, s) && (suite[s] = BenchmarkGroup())
!haskey(suite[s], n) && (suite[s][n] = BenchmarkGroup())
suite["bottomk_fast"][n][k] = @benchmarkable(bottomk(x, $k), setup=(x=randn($n)))
suite["maxn7"][n][k] = @benchmarkable(MaxN7(x, $k), setup=(x=randn($n)))
# Run the benchmark:
results = run(suite; verbose=true)
# Print the benchmark:
for n in [10, 100, 1000, 10_000], k in [2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
k > n && continue
bottomk_fast_results = median(results["bottomk_fast"][n][k].times)
maxn7_results = median(results["maxn7"][n][k].times)
@printf("n = %-8d k = %-8d bottomk_fast = %-8d maxn7 = %-8d ratio = %.3f", n, k, bottomk_fast_results, maxn7_results, bottomk_fast_results/maxn7_results)
this gives:
n = 10 k = 2 bottomk_fast = 1583 maxn7 = 2695 ratio = 0.587
n = 10 k = 5 bottomk_fast = 5912 maxn7 = 3036 ratio = 1.947
n = 10 k = 10 bottomk_fast = 15615 maxn7 = 2930 ratio = 5.328
n = 100 k = 2 bottomk_fast = 4186 maxn7 = 3670 ratio = 1.141
n = 100 k = 5 bottomk_fast = 13670 maxn7 = 5043 ratio = 2.711
n = 100 k = 10 bottomk_fast = 41110 maxn7 = 7203 ratio = 5.707
n = 100 k = 20 bottomk_fast = 142150 maxn7 = 21048 ratio = 6.754
n = 100 k = 100 bottomk_fast = 1504647 maxn7 = 101132 ratio = 14.878
n = 1000 k = 2 bottomk_fast = 23511 maxn7 = 8855 ratio = 2.655
n = 1000 k = 5 bottomk_fast = 39211 maxn7 = 11026 ratio = 3.556
n = 1000 k = 10 bottomk_fast = 83094 maxn7 = 14947 ratio = 5.559
n = 1000 k = 20 bottomk_fast = 260530 maxn7 = 32883 ratio = 7.923
n = 1000 k = 100 bottomk_fast = 3920184 maxn7 = 128532 ratio = 30.500
n = 10000 k = 2 bottomk_fast = 215446 maxn7 = 56601 ratio = 3.806
n = 10000 k = 5 bottomk_fast = 238905 maxn7 = 58012 ratio = 4.118
n = 10000 k = 10 bottomk_fast = 298069 maxn7 = 63744 ratio = 4.676
n = 10000 k = 20 bottomk_fast = 542982 maxn7 = 86845 ratio = 6.252
n = 10000 k = 100 bottomk_fast = 6368336 maxn7 = 222330 ratio = 28.644
So as @pitsianis suggested as well the heap helps quite a bit, especially for larger k.
Personally I only work with k~5 so I am curious where exactly the crossing point is as it would affect what implementation I go with.
like this?
function Nlargest(v,N)
maxn = heapify!(tuple.(v[1:N],1:N))
for i in N+1:length(v)
if maxn1[1] < e[1]
sort!(maxn, by=first,rev=
Perfect, thanks!
Here is the updated benchmark code:
using DataStructures
using StaticArrays: MVector
using BenchmarkTools
using Printf
function heap_topk(x, k)
maxn = heapify!(tuple.(x[1:k], 1:k))
maxn1 = maxn[1]
for i in k+1:length(x)
e = (x[i], i)
if maxn1[1] < e[1]
heappush!(maxn, e)
maxn1 = maxn[1]
raw_out = sort!(maxn, by=first, rev=true)
xout, iout = Array{eltype(x)}(undef, k), Array{Int}(undef, k)
for i in 1:k
xout[i], iout[i] = raw_out[i]
xout, iout
const MAXK = 10_000; # Just to preallocate Val(i); increase as needed
const PREALLOC_VALS = ntuple(Val, MAXK);
static_topk(x, k) = _topk_static_dispatch(x, PREALLOC_VALS[k])
function _topk_static_dispatch(x::AbstractVector{T}, ::Val{k}) where {T,k}
@assert k >= 2
indmin = MVector{k}(ntuple(_ -> 0, k))
maxval = MVector{k}(ntuple(_ -> typemin(T), k))
_topk_static!(x, maxval, indmin)
return [maxval...], [indmin...]
function _topk_static!(x, maxval, indmin)
@inbounds @fastmath for i in eachindex(x)
new_max = x[i] > maxval[end]
if new_max
maxval[end] = x[i]
indmin[end] = i
for ki in length(maxval):-1:2
need_swap = maxval[ki] > maxval[ki-1]
if need_swap
maxval[ki], maxval[ki-1] = maxval[ki-1], maxval[ki]
indmin[ki], indmin[ki-1] = indmin[ki-1], indmin[ki]
return nothing
using BenchmarkTools
suite = BenchmarkGroup()
# Create the benchmark over n and k:
for n in [10, 100, 1000, 10_000], k in [2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
k > n && continue
foreach(["static_topk", "heap_topk"]) do s
!haskey(suite, s) && (suite[s] = BenchmarkGroup())
!haskey(suite[s], n) && (suite[s][n] = BenchmarkGroup())
suite["static_topk"][n][k] = @benchmarkable(static_topk(x, $k), setup = (x = randn($n)))
suite["heap_topk"][n][k] = @benchmarkable(heap_topk(x, $k), setup = (x = randn($n)))
# Run the benchmark:
results = run(suite; verbose=true)
# Print the benchmark:
for n in [10, 100, 1000, 10_000], k in [2, 5, 10, 20, 100]
k > n && continue
static_topk_results = median(results["static_topk"][n][k].times)
heap_topk_results = median(results["heap_topk"][n][k].times)
@printf("n = %-8d k = %-8d static_topk = %-8d heap_topk = %-8d ratio = %.3f", n, k, static_topk_results, heap_topk_results, static_topk_results / heap_topk_results)
and the results (the earlier results I ran with -O2
; these ones are -O3
n = 10 k = 2 static_topk = 110 heap_topk = 204 ratio = 0.538
n = 10 k = 5 static_topk = 203 heap_topk = 278 ratio = 0.731
n = 10 k = 10 static_topk = 408 heap_topk = 277 ratio = 1.472
n = 100 k = 2 static_topk = 187 heap_topk = 369 ratio = 0.507
n = 100 k = 5 static_topk = 352 heap_topk = 638 ratio = 0.551
n = 100 k = 10 static_topk = 919 heap_topk = 1006 ratio = 0.914
n = 100 k = 20 static_topk = 7453 heap_topk = 2011 ratio = 3.707
n = 100 k = 100 static_topk = 51932 heap_topk = 3302 ratio = 15.727
n = 1000 k = 2 static_topk = 939 heap_topk = 1268 ratio = 0.740
n = 1000 k = 5 static_topk = 986 heap_topk = 1913 ratio = 0.515
n = 1000 k = 10 static_topk = 1954 heap_topk = 2819 ratio = 0.693
n = 1000 k = 20 static_topk = 10465 heap_topk = 4933 ratio = 2.122
n = 1000 k = 100 static_topk = 108776 heap_topk = 24936 ratio = 4.362
n = 10000 k = 2 static_topk = 8084 heap_topk = 8498 ratio = 0.951
n = 10000 k = 5 static_topk = 6051 heap_topk = 9631 ratio = 0.628
n = 10000 k = 10 static_topk = 7339 heap_topk = 12001 ratio = 0.612
n = 10000 k = 20 static_topk = 17308 heap_topk = 16600 ratio = 1.043
n = 10000 k = 100 static_topk = 168512 heap_topk = 50380 ratio = 3.345
so it looks like the performance benefit of the heap starts to kick in around k~15, across many different n
some examples for larger x and k
julia> size(x)
julia> @btime static_topk(x,2000)
73.665 ms (14029 allocations: 530.78 KiB)
([0.999997967646439, 0.9999961871680448, 0.999995897044009, 0.9999958302586448, 0.999994393124644, 0.9999938471198041, 0.9999924818468605, 0.9999919285747503, 0.999991600223384, 0.9999912694737714 … 0.9980135647476381, 0.9980133491712229, 0.9980128032389254, 0.9980124826798483, 0.9980115374968526, 0.9980102464380634, 0.9980096635365333, 0.9980090790430461, 0.9980083786018685, 0.9980068940624146], [263033, 497354, 486880, 422564, 542791, 822125, 217926, 123925, 620801, 771262 … 620445, 899858, 448375, 527998, 13622, 446776, 809931, 520942, 6102, 873068])
julia> @btime heap_topk(x,2000)
1.757 ms (8 allocations: 94.33 KiB)
([0.999997967646439, 0.9999961871680448, 0.999995897044009, 0.9999958302586448, 0.999994393124644, 0.9999938471198041, 0.9999924818468605, 0.9999919285747503, 0.999991600223384, 0.9999912694737714 … 0.9980135647476381, 0.9980133491712229, 0.9980128032389254, 0.9980124826798483, 0.9980115374968526, 0.9980102464380634, 0.9980096635365333, 0.9980090790430461, 0.9980083786018685, 0.9980068940624146], [263033, 497354, 486880, 422564, 542791, 822125, 217926, 123925, 620801, 771262 … 620445, 899858, 448375, 527998, 13622, 446776, 809931, 520942, 6102, 873068])
julia> @btime heap_topk(x,200)
546.200 μs (7 allocations: 10.23 KiB)
([0.999997967646439, 0.9999961871680448, 0.999995897044009, 0.9999958302586448, 0.999994393124644, 0.9999938471198041, 0.9999924818468605, 0.9999919285747503, 0.999991600223384, 0.9999912694737714 … 0.999824711031017, 0.999824306912119, 0.9998242015343735, 0.9998237261377597, 0.9998232767425146, 0.999822831466934, 0.9998225999196836, 0.9998210131024187, 0.9998202355337459, 0.9998173306675848], [263033, 497354, 486880, 422564, 542791, 822125, 217926, 123925, 620801, 771262 … 778414, 251065, 684906, 894726, 502819, 785139, 860830, 846404, 777284, 280505])
julia> @btime static_topk(x,200)
1.441 ms (1417 allocations: 50.22 KiB)
([0.999997967646439, 0.9999961871680448, 0.999995897044009, 0.9999958302586448, 0.999994393124644, 0.9999938471198041, 0.9999924818468605, 0.9999919285747503, 0.999991600223384, 0.9999912694737714 … 0.999824711031017, 0.999824306912119, 0.9998242015343735, 0.9998237261377597, 0.9998232767425146, 0.999822831466934, 0.9998225999196836, 0.9998210131024187, 0.9998202355337459, 0.9998173306675848], [263033, 497354, 486880, 422564, 542791, 822125, 217926, 123925, 620801, 771262 … 778414, 251065, 684906, 894726, 502819, 785139, 860830, 846404, 777284, 280505])
another difference
julia> static_topk(rand(100,100),5)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching _topk_static_dispatch(::Matrix{Float64}, ::Val{5})
Closest candidates are:
_topk_static_dispatch(::AbstractVector{T}, ::Val{k}) where {T, k} at c:\Users\sprmn\.julia\environments\v1.8.3\array62.jl:29
[1] static_topk(x::Matrix{Float64}, k::Int64)
@ Main c:\Users\sprmn\.julia\environments\v1.8.3\array62.jl:27
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[15]:1
julia> heap_topk(rand(100,100),5)
([0.9999980748309518, 0.9999748146819019, 0.9999213162425449, 0.9999191599605562, 0.999707415570861], [1259, 8141, 6205, 8028, 1774])
This bit of code looks very unnatural. Isn’t this a job for @generated
functions? (I really should try to make a version myself, instead of asking…)