Why is one printed as hex and the other not?
Also, why does the line number not increase after the first assignment? (doesn’t seem to always do that - just noticed it)
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In [1]: a::UInt32 = 100
Out[1]: 100
In [1]: b::UInt32 = 0xfe0
Out[1]: 0x0fe0
EDIT: perhaps it is the UInt32 type? In a new session, adding a to a gives:
In [1]: a::UInt32 = 100
Out[1]: 100
In [2]: b::UInt32 = 0xfe0
Out[2]: 0x0fe0
In [3]: a + a
Out[3]: 0x000000c8
Because the value of an assignment expression is the right-hand side. So, in an expression like a::UInt32 = 100, the right-hand side is the (signed) Int literal value 100, which prints in decimal by default. Whereas unsigned values print in hexadecimal by default, so if you show a or 0xfe0 they display in hexadecimal:
It’s because the right-hand side isn’t unsigned in the former case, and it (using its type) is shown (there Int64). And what is show is nothing related (or needs not be) to UInt32.
I started explaining this way, what I assumed you were asking about (I had to stare at this for a while after I realized it wasn’t your question):
It’s the U for Unsigned. It’s by design, while somewhat controversial, but can be justified.
Maybe helpful to see if you had evaluated a right-hand-side, and seen the cast to UInt32 fail: