What are everyone's style for documenting types (used for containers or for dispatch-only/"traits")?

I’m trying to document my Julia packages not necessarily to the style of Base, but so that it communicates the ideas fast to serious users who have a basic training with Julia but have prior programming or even software development experience. Please let me know below how you’d document the following:

Suppose you have a Holy-trait, which I understand is a data type that triggers different types of dispatch

abstract type ConstraintType end
struct NoConstraints <: ConstraintType end
struct AffineConstraints <: ConstraintType end
struct BoxConstraints <: end

function runsolver(c::ConstraintType, other_stuff...)

    runspecializedsolver(c, other_stuff...)

function runspecializedsolver(c::BoxConstraints, other_stuff...)
    # code.

function runspecializedsolver(c::NoConstraints, other_stuff...)
    # code.

I used to not include the types here in the public API when I use Documenter.jl to build the docs. However, in cases like this one, the user of this package might actually need to know what ConstraintType is, because it is mentioned in the documentation of runsolver()s public API. In this case, I’d like to at least explain that ConstraintType is a supertype of BoxConstraints, and one should really call BoxConstraints or AffineConstraints in their code before they call runsolver().

I’ve resorted to just doing

abstract type ConstraintType end
abstract type ConstraintType end

# etc.

for all the types, which is quite a bit of boiler plate documentation code. I understand Julia users can always just do ?ConstraintType in the Julia REPL and get equivalent auto-generated like the ones I’m using, but this would not make it to the public API page generated by Documenter.jl.

I’m interested in hearing what others here would do.