[WARNING] juliawiki.com is AI generated phishing links and SEO spam, do not use it

Yes, mostly bad, occasionally ok by accident:

www.juliawiki .com/wiki/Algorithm_Optimization


[1] A. Example and B. Demo, “Efficient algorithms for Julia programming,” Journal of Julia Development, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 45-68, 2022.

“Journal of Julia Development”, vol. 12, I wish…

At least we have:
www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Clippy

clippy is a helpful, intelligent, capable assistant designed specifically for the Julia programming language. […]

www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Brainfuck-to-Julia_Compiler

www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Books_about_Julia

  1. “Julia Programming for Beginners” by John Doe […]

  2. “Mastering Julia: Advanced Techniques for High-Performance Computing” by Jane Smith […]

In rare cases good info, maybe (I at least learnt of something existing):
juliawiki .com/wiki/COBYLA_algorithm

There are for sure, and at least there is e.g. (juliasos patterned after) pythonsos: