[WARNING] juliawiki.com is AI generated phishing links and SEO spam, do not use it

In October 2023 a new website juliawiki.com was registered, since then it has had thousands of articles added which are clearly generated by AI, posted by bot accounts. If you look at the log of recently created articles, their themes vary widely and often have nothing to do with Julia, but they do often post links to other, less than savory sites advertising crypto or phishing links.

https:/ /www.juliawiki.com/wiki/Special:RecentChanges

(remove the space after the first slash to make the link active)

Someone is clearly generating this entire site using ChatGPT, with no care as to accuracy or relevance, a lot of articles are in indonesian, but the whois says it is hosted in toronto, canada, though it is hosted by cloudfare with the owners name redacted. My best theory is that it is used to generate SEO by hosting links to other sites, there may potentially be more wikis like this for other languages, if you know of one let me know.

Either way, do not use this site, and advocate for it being taken down or warned against by JuliaComputing, it is at best useless and spreads misinformation, and at worst is actively dangerous and may contain harmful links or perform illegal data harvesting of its users.


Consider removing the URL from your post to avoid promoting its search ranking.

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thank you, you are right, I edited it

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Previous threads:


Yes, mostly bad, occasionally ok by accident:

www.juliawiki .com/wiki/Algorithm_Optimization


[1] A. Example and B. Demo, “Efficient algorithms for Julia programming,” Journal of Julia Development, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 45-68, 2022.

“Journal of Julia Development”, vol. 12, I wish…

At least we have:
www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Clippy

clippy is a helpful, intelligent, capable assistant designed specifically for the Julia programming language. […]

www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Brainfuck-to-Julia_Compiler

www.juliawiki. com/wiki/Books_about_Julia

  1. “Julia Programming for Beginners” by John Doe […]

  2. “Mastering Julia: Advanced Techniques for High-Performance Computing” by Jane Smith […]

In rare cases good info, maybe (I at least learnt of something existing):
juliawiki .com/wiki/COBYLA_algorithm

There are for sure, and at least there is e.g. (juliasos patterned after) pythonsos: