Hey, I’m trying to study the lyapunov spectrum for a 4D dynamical system using the lyapunovspectrum function from DynamicalSystem.jl but depending on the parameters I get “Warning: Instability detected. Aborting” and I don’t know how to solve this. I’ve tried to search and found that this could be related to special singularities of the system or the solver. This is the code that I am using:
function mem_system(du, u, p, t)
x, y, z, v = u
a, b, c, d, e, α, β = p
du[1] = -(ay^2 - b)x - (αv + β)z
du[2] = -cx - dy + eyx^2
du[3] = x
du[4] = z
return nothing
u0 = [-1, -0.5, -0.5, -3] # Initial condition
p1 = [0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 10, 4, 0.1, 1] # a, b, c, d, e, α, β
integrationMethod = (alg = Tsit5(), adaptive = false, dense = false, dt = 0.01, reltol=1e-9, abstol=1e-9)
syst_1 = CoupledODEs(mem_system, u0 , p1, diffeq =integrationMethod)
lya_spec = lyapunovspectrum(syst_1, 10^5; Ttr = 10^3, show_progress = true) # Works fine
set_parameter!(syst_1, 1, 0.41)
set_parameter!(syst_1, 2, 0.91)
lya_spec = lyapunovspectrum(syst_1, 10^5; Ttr = 10^3, show_progress = true) # Instability warning
I get the warning when I change the value of the parameters.