Warning about Mamba and JuMP

i have a code where i’m using Mambaand JuMPand when i run the code, i get a warning like this:
WARNING: both Mamba and JuMP export "Model"; uses of it in module QuantumRelay must be qualified
Therefore i get an Error: ```ERROR: UndefVarError: Model not defined``, the problem is that i need both packages the first for MCMC simulation and the second for Linear programming.

Cross post: julia - Mamba package and JuMP package Model warning - Stack Overflow

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You will need to prefix Mumba.Model and JuMP.Model to distinguish them.

Or add a using JuMP: Model if you’re only going to be using JuMP’s, as in:

julia> module A
       export Model
       struct Model end

julia> module B
       export Model
       struct Model end

julia> using Main.A, Main.B

julia> Model
WARNING: both B and A export "Model"; uses of it in module Main must be qualified
ERROR: UndefVarError: Model not defined

julia> using Main.A: Model

julia> Model