VScode Julia server fails precompilation

This is a result of my attempts to add precompilation to the LanguageServer.

To add precompilation to the LanguageServer, I ran the server during package initialization. However, this attempts to download some symbol caches. In your case, the LanguageServer could not reach the server hosting the symbol caches for some reason. That step failed which in turn caused precompilation to fail.

I detailed my initial attempt to do so here:

I was hoping someone would help me figure out how to make that initial attempt more robust, but we ended up merging it in directly.

To resolve this, first resolve the network issues.

Then in a Julia REPL, probably outside of VS Code, I would run the following.

using Pkg
Pkg.activate(; temp = true)

That should force the language server to redo precompilation, this time hopefully with a functional connection to the server. Meanwhile, I will try to figure out how to make precompilation more robust.