VS Code TERMINAL (Julia REPL) is not showing prompt messages for inputs properly

In VS Code Extension, I was trying to run a simple Julia program that can prompt for inputs of two numbers, then shows the sum of numbers like below:

print("Enter the first number: ")
a = parse(Float64, readline())
println("First number is $a")

print("Enter the second number: ")
b = parse(Float64, readline())
println("Second number is $b")

println("Hence the sum of $a and $b is $(a+b)")

When I run this program (Shift + Enter), after the first prompt message printed in REPL, Julia is taking first input which is not the first number actually and I need to provide the input in REPL once more which gives the output like below:

julia> 23
First number is 23.0     
Enter the second number: 58.9
Second number is 58.9
Hence the sum of 23.0 and 58.9 is 81.9

julia> 23

In VS Code TERMINAL (REPL), can this output look more appropriate something like below?

julia> Enter the first number: 23
First number is 23.0     
Enter the second number: 58.9
Second number is 58.9
Hence the sum of 23.0 and 58.9 is 81.9

I just noticed few hours ago, in VS Code Julia Extension v1.5.6, it now runs Julia file/program with default key binding Alt + Enter.
And got to know about this similar issue already has been raised before. Issue #785. Hope this issue will be resolved soon.

Thank you.