VoronoiDelaunay.jl difficulties

[Sorry, this is probably not the most appropriate group for this question.]

I’m having difficulty reproducing the intoductory example of the VoronoiDelaunay documentation.

using  VoronoiDelaunay
tess = DelaunayTessellation()
push!(tess, Point(1.5, 1.5))

works fine, but

width = max_coord - min_coord
a= Point2D[Point(min_coord+rand()*width, min_coord+rand()*width) for i in 1:10]
push!(tess, a)

sends the CPU into a tailspin. (Edit: note that I’m only adding 10 points.)

julia> Pkg.installed("VoronoiDelaunay")
julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 0.6.0
Commit 9036443 (2017-06-19 13:05 UTC)

Could anybody help / explain?

Also, the package seems to be 64 bit-specific :slight_smile: Earlier I tried installing on a 32 bit-machine and IIRC the function quadrants() failed.

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Without looking at the code it may be hard to comment but just one point cannot be really producing any tesselation. However, here are some simple test cases that may work.

2 points will give you a bisecting line - So no triagulations
3 points the side bisectors of the triangle meeting at a point called circumcenter - 1 triangle at the circumcenter.
4 points in a rectangle would split the region into 2-D axis like coordinate axis. - 2 triangles at one diagonal.

Once you can be a bit certain then you may try 10 point case. Will suggest to provide well defined numbers first before trying random numbers.



Normally, for a package-specific problem like this, you would file an issue on the package’s github page: Issues · JuliaGeometry/VoronoiDelaunay.jl · GitHub