
I’d like to announce the release of a package for modelling, simulating and controlling torque-controlled robots that I have developed as part of my PhD in the control lab at Cambridge (No not that Cambridge, the original!).

For a bit of a showcase, look at the tutorials and examples in the docs.

I was attracted to Julia for research by the promise of high speed and usability and fell in love with the dispatch system, which led me to develop this package.

My research, and the package, focusses on design of controllers as “Virtual Mechanisms”. The package allows users to load robots from URDFs, add ‘coordinates’ which are geometric features for which positions/velocities/accelerations etc can be calculated, and add ‘components’ to those coordinates, like springs, dampers, and inerters.

My recent paper looks at optimizing virtual mechanism controllers, and uses ForwardDiff.jl and DifferentialEquations.jl to do so. Thank you to the creators and contributors of these, and all the other packages that have made this possible.


Very cool use of Makie.jl!

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Thank you - I’ve found julia/Makie to be the best plotting library I’ve every used - multiple dispatch suits plotting well.