In my field of research (HEP), the vertical errors for the histograms are widely used.
Usually, they are calculated assuming narrow bins and Poisson distribution for the number of entries,
i.e. the error is sqrt(Nentries)
It is clear how to extend Plots.scatterbins
for such errors.
While, it gets more complicated (implementation-wise) when the
- data are weighted
- histogram is normalized
Plots use StatsBase.Histogram
that does not give access to the entries weights inside of individual bins. This information seems to be lost once Histogram
is created.
Any ideas on the problem?
Here is my errorhist
recipe for the Poisson error.
@recipe function f(::Type{Val{:errorhist}}, x, y, z)
h = Plots._make_hist(
normed = plotattributes[:normalize],
weights = plotattributes[:weights],
x := h.edges[1]
y := h.weights
seriestype := :scatterbins
@series begin
primary := false
seriestype := :yerror
x := Plots._bin_centers(h.edges[1])
yerror --> map(x->x < 0 ? 0.0 : sqrt(x), h.weights)
@shorthands errorhist