I am using LightGraphs.jl to implement a fast SIR algorithm, which I have done. However, I am now trying to improve the timings. In the course of investigating, I find that neighbors(g, v)
allocates memory (I used @time
to determine this). So I went into the LightGraphs.jl
source code.
In method SimpleGraphsCore//SimpleGraphsCore.jl
, I find that
outneighbors(g::AbstractSimpleGraph, v::Integer) = fadj(g, v)
and that the neighbors
function is really a call to outneighbors
So my question: when does the memory allocation occur? The adjacency matrix is obviously preallocated unless fadj
is a function. Ok. In the same file, I find that
fadj(g::AbstractSimpleGraph) = g.fadjlist
fadj(g::AbstractSimpleGraph, v::Integer) = g.fadjlist[v]
It is still not clear to me where the memory allocation occurs. Given the presence of pop!(g.fadjlist)
in the same file, it appears that we are dealing with a linked list or similar structure.
In SimpleGraphsCore/simpledigraph.jl
, I found functions
function SimpleDiGraph{T}(n::Integer=0) where {T<:Integer}
fadjlist = [Vector{T}() for _ = one(T):n]
badjlist = [Vector{T}() for _ = one(T):n]
return SimpleDiGraph(0, fadjlist, badjlist)
This routine does not preallocate space for neighbors, but rather prepares a list unfilled vectors "just in case" neighbors are called for.
So when using `push!` On `fadjlist`, I assume allocation is made either for an integer or a reference to a structure. There are two costs: 1) the cost of performing the allocation, and 2) the cost of transferring data to the allocated memory.
I also found the longer routine in `SimpleGraphsCore/simpledigraph.jl`, but I am doubtful it is called when wanting to just give the neighbors of a given vertex:
function all_neighbors(g::SimpleDiGraph{T}, u::Integer) where {T}
union_nbrs = Vector{T}()
i, j = 1, 1
in_nbrs, out_nbrs = inneighbors(g, u), outneighbors(g, u)
in_len, out_len = length(in_nbrs), length(out_nbrs)
while i <= in_len && j <= out_len
if in_nbrs[i] < out_nbrs[j]
push!(union_nbrs, in_nbrs[i])
i += 1
elseif in_nbrs[i] > out_nbrs[j]
push!(union_nbrs, out_nbrs[j])
j += 1
push!(union_nbrs, in_nbrs[i])
i += 1
j += 1
while i <= in_len
push!(union_nbrs, in_nbrs[i])
i += 1
while j <= out_len
push!(union_nbrs, out_nbrs[j])
j += 1
return union_nbrs
I guess my question is: if the fadjlist is computed regardless of whether I invoke the `neighbors(g,i)` function, where is the memory allocation performed. I am still confused. Thanks.