Verify generated images during automated testing

I am looking for a way to verify images that are auto-generated during CI/automated testing. For example, I would like to run a simulation, plot the result with Plots.jl or Makie.jl, and then verify the resulting PNG file. I have found this percentage difference script, but I was wondering if there is a package readily available that does such things in a smarter way. Some features that would also be nice:

  • Compare a generated image against a reference image but allow for small differences due to different rendering backends (i.e., Linux vs. macOS vs Windows)
  • Allow to test various properties in a convenient way (e.g., image size matches, color space matches etc.)
  • Calculate something like an “approximate” hash that can be used to compare generated images against a has value, without having to store the reference as an image file.

It may not do everything you’re hoping for, but may contain some useful stuff.

You could try Percy, which is a commercial solution we use at my work but it has a free plan of 5k images per month, and has a nice polished UI for looking at visual diffs and hooking into GitHub so you can approve visual changes and have that reflect as a CI check passing on the PR. We use it in Lighthouse.jl, and just save out images to a folder during testing and then upload them to Percy in a later CI step.

Also, Makie.jl has its own vendored version of ReferenceTests.jl but I don’t know what the relation is to the JuliaTesting one.

Thanks a lot for your replies! They confirm my fear that there is no “proper”, ready-to-use package available, but the mentioned package seems like the best option for now.