I’ve been learning Julia primarily by writing some Evolutionary Algo code, I started ~1 year ago, when I wrote my first, very simple, very primitive EA lib which I decided to re-write after a year (haven’t touched Julia ever since), however I stumbled upon weird behavior which I didn’t really encounter ~1 year ago when I wrote the original version (not sure if this happens in the original version, I’d assume not because of reasons mentioned below)
as the code is messy and I’m just learning, I will provide only simplified version of the Subject and EA modules, and a testing script
basically, I have a subject module: which defines abstract subject, binary subject structure, and functions that can work with binary subject (getters/setters for genes and fitness), I also have a EA module: which defines abstractAlgorithm and concrete algorithm structure (remapping, selection, etc functions) and provides 2 functions that work with abstract algorithm - evolve() and finished(), these functions are used in the main loop
everything works fine, however the way I use this lib + scripts is that I open the Julia REPL and include the test.jl file, which loads all the libs and runs a test… this works fine the first time, however as soon as I run the include command second time, I get this error
julia> include("test.jl")
julia> include("test.jl")
WARNING: replacing module Subject.
WARNING: replacing module EvolutionaryAlgorithm.
WARNING: using EvolutionaryAlgorithm.Algorithm in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using EvolutionaryAlgorithm.finished in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
WARNING: using Subject.BinarySubject in module Main conflicts with an existing identifier.
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching genes(::BinarySubject)
Closest candidates are:
genes(::Main.Subject.BinarySubject, ::Array{Bool,1}) at XYZ\subject.jl:14
genes(::Main.Subject.BinarySubject) at XYZ\subject.jl:13
apparently, after loading it for the second time, the exported struct BinarySubject is no longer BinarySubject, but a Main.Subject.BinarySubject
what am I doing wrong? I assume it’s because I am using .Subject
in both, EA module and testing script, but this is something I can’t change
module Subject
export AbstractSubject, BinarySubject
abstract type AbstractSubject end
mutable struct BinarySubject <: AbstractSubject
genes::Array{Bool, 1}
BinarySubject(genes::Array{Bool, 1}, fitness::Float64) = new(genes, fitness)
genes(subject::BinarySubject) = subject.genes
genes(subject::BinarySubject, genes::Array{Bool, 1}) = subject.genes = genes
fitness(subject::BinarySubject) = subject.fitness
fitness(subject::BinarySubject, fitness::Float64) = subject.fitness = fitness
module EvolutionaryAlgorithm using ..Subject
export Algorithm, evolve, finished
abstract type AbstractAlgorithm end
struct Algorithm <: AbstractAlgorithm
stop(algo::Algorithm) = algo.stop
# function to evolve subjects
function evolve(algo::AbstractAlgorithm, subjects::Array{<:AbstractSubject, 1})
# evolve subjects
# function that determines whether EA should be stopped
i = 0 # temporary
function finished(algo::AbstractAlgorithm, subjects::Array{<:AbstractSubject, 1})
global i
stop(algo)(subjects) || (i += 1) >= 10
using .EvolutionaryAlgorithm, .Subject
function main()
function fitness(subjects::Array{BinarySubject, 1})
f(subject::BinarySubject) = Float64(sum(Subject.genes(subject)))
Subject.fitness.(subjects, f.(subjects))
sort(subjects, by = (x) -> Subject.fitness(x))
fitness!(subjects::Array{BinarySubject, 1}) = subjects[:] = fitness(subjects)
subjects::Array{BinarySubject, 1} = [BinarySubject(rand(Bool, 10), 0.0) for i in 1:100] # create 100 random binary subjects with length 10
stopper(subjects::Array{BinarySubject, 1}) = Subject.fitness(subjects[end]) == 10 # evolution is finished when a subject has all bits set to 1
algo = Algorithm(stopper)
while !finished(algo, subjects)
evolve(algo, subjects)