Here’s a minimum working example of the problem I’ve been having. I’m using the Julia v1.1 REPL in Ubuntu Linux 16.04. Suppose I have the following file called moduletest.jl
module mymodule
struct mystruct
function myfunction(x::mystruct)
In the REPL I include this file, create an instance of mystruct
, and call myfunction
julia> include("moduletest.jl")
julia> thisstruct = mymodule.mystruct(1)
julia> mymodule.myfunction(thisstruct)
Now if I reinclude the file moduletest.jl
(without changing or redefining thisstruct
) and call the function myfunction
again, I get the following error:
julia> include("moduletest.jl")
WARNING: replacing module mymodule.
julia> mymodule.myfunction(thisstruct)
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching myfunction(::Main.mymodule.mystruct)
Closest candidates are:
myfunction(::Main.mymodule.mystruct) at /media/james/Data/Box Sync/Code/QP_synth/moduletest.jl:11
[1] top-level scope at none:0
To the best of my knowledge, the error is arising because it thinks that thisstruct
has the wrong type. When I check the type of thisstruct
however, I see the following:
julia> typeof(thisstruct)
The type looks exactly the same as the type listed in the “Closest candidates” error message. This can be really confusing. If I redefine thisstruct
after the second include
statement then the function works perfectly. However, I tend to make a lot of incremental edits to modules and reinclude them frequently to test if the changes work. I’d prefer not have to reinstantiate all of my struct instances every time I reinclude a module (if possible). I’d also rather not restart the REPL if possible since it takes a while to reimport all the other packages I’m using. So my questions are:
- What’s the best way to reinclude modules in a REPL without running into this issue?
- Would it be possible to change the error message for this situation to be more clear about what the problem is?
(Other details if they’re helpful:
- I’m fairly new to Julia, so I apologize if I’m not understanding something basic here.
- I tried the minimum example with the Revise.jl package (v2.1.0) and had the same problem occur.)