julia> begin
"module test end")
push!(LOAD_PATH, "./modules")
using test
[ Info: Precompiling test [top-level]
Make sure the file containing the module also has the same name. Also, I would use the absolute path in case you change the working directory.
push!(LOAD_PATH, abspath("./modules"))
Note that Julia conventions are to capitalize module names and use CamelCase for multiple words. There is also a standard library called “Test”.
Manipulating LOAD_PATH like this is going to get messy in the long run.
The canonical way to organize the code is as follows.
julia> begin
using Pkg
using X
Generating project X:
Activating project at `~`
Resolving package versions...
Updating `~/Project.toml`
[671976cc] + X v0.1.0 `~/modules/X`
Updating `~/Manifest.toml`
[671976cc] + X v0.1.0 `~/modules/X`
Precompiling X
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds
julia> run(`tree modules/X`);
├── Project.toml
└── src
└── X.jl
1 directory, 2 files
julia> run(`cat "modules/X/Project.toml"`);
name = "X"
uuid = "671976cc-d390-4257-a514-cd9c3c96f4a5"
authors = ["root "]
version = "0.1.0"
julia> run(`cat "modules/X/src/X.jl"`);
module X
greet() = print("Hello World!")
end # module X
This seems to be a followup to your previous question about code organization. As you noticed there, often your types (usually structs) have to be declared first. Some examples may be useful.
For small to moderate size packages, I would just use a flat structure without deeply nested modules. An example of this is the types.jl file in HDF5.jl:
On the other extreme is when the types are in a distinct package. These “Core” packages mostly contain just the types:
Meanwhile most of the methods may be defined in the main package:
Thank you for the thoughtful response. That’s helpful. One problem I had was that my module didn’t have the appropriate using statement inside, because I thought that loading them in the parent scope would suffice. So there were types in there that used types defined in “LinearAlgebra” but I was not loading the Linear Algebra library inside my module.