Hi there,
I am new to Julia but I have written a few lines of Julia and I am still juggling with this, and it feels like I still don’t get it or I am not doing something right. So start off, when I want to import a module using using it seems I have two choices, I either include the file source file that has that module so I can then call using, or I append that directory to LOAD_PATH? I don’t really understand the latter. Like will Julia look inside source files in the loaded directories? And I am not sure I would want to modify global variables to have my software run?
I have something like
and tried push!(LOAD_PATH, ".\\Mod") from within test.jl, that did not work. I would like to understand how this works, but still, I would like for my software to just run without touching global variables.
But the main thing I am concerned about is this below
module Mod1
x = 1
module Mod2
using Mod1
x = Mod1.x
module Mod3
Here, julia mod2.jl works and julia mod3.jl doesn’t (it cannot load Mod1).
I have had a frustrating experience so far dealing with modules in Julia. Like, for instance, I tend to define module_file_jl=nothing inside module_file.jl so I can include as follows
I have the above all over my code base as to avoid type reloads that lead to run-time errors where equivalent types do not match (this was painful for a while) when I include module_file.jl in several other files. But that trick solved the problem, but it certainly feels like a hack.
I have gone through the documentation for Modules, but I really need help here as this is bad (the way I am working on it). Thank you.
Definitely don’t do the !isdefined(:foo_jl) && include("foo.jl") trick. That’s a C-ism that should never be needed in Julia.
When you do import Foo or using Foo, Julia looks in your package directory and then also looks in your LOAD_PATH for Foo.jl or Foo/src/Foo.jl (so yes, as you suspect, it does look inside your src folder).
include() is typically used when you want to split up a big module definition across multiple files. Using it to include a dependent module as you’ve done is a bit weird and probably not a good idea. Instead, if you rename your module files to match their module names (as in, module Foo in Foo.jl or Foo/src/Foo.jl) and ensure the folder containing your modules is in LOAD_PATH, then you can simply do:
# Mod1.jl
module Mod1
x = 1
# Mod2.jl
module Mod2
using Mod1
edit: (thanks to rdeits) “I think you need a fully qualified path when you add it to LOAD_PATH, Julia doesn’t convert that relative path (or ones that start with ~ for your home directory) to an absolute path.” is wrong.
You do need to expand ~, Julia does not handle it in paths.
You shouldn’t need to include("mod1.jl") in mod2.jl, if you have your LOAD_PATH set up correctly, it will be able to find mod1.jl.
Same for Mod3, you shouldn’t need to include it, simply have using Mod2.
If you want these to be found when calling julia from the command line, make sure you have JULIA_LOAD_PATH set in your environment. See JULIA_LOAD_PATH in the documentation.
I think you need a fully qualified path when you add it to LOAD_PATH, Julia doesn’t convert that relative path (or ones that start with ~ for your home directory) to an absolute path.
That does not seem to be correct. For example, with Foo.jl in my current directory:
In your case, you would need /Path/To/Foo/Foo/src/Foo.jl (you have to replace Foo.jl with Foo/src/Foo.jl). Or you could just add /Path/To to your LOAD_PATH.
It’s true that LOAD_PATH is not recursive, so yes, you would need each folder containing a module on your path.
That said, I would suggest reconsidering your design. Having nested folders on your LOAD_PATH is a pretty unusual design in Julia, and it will make it harder to, for example, publish any of those modules as a package for others to use. Much more typical is having a single folder containing all of your top-level modules, and then sub-folders only as necessary for organizing sub-modules.
Even better, if you’ve installed JuMP with Pkg.add("JuMP"), then it will be in your Pkg.dir() folder which is automatically available for using and import without any LOAD_PATH modification.