Using Shared Arrays

julia> betweenness = SharedArray{Float64}(n_v);

julia> @time for s in reverse(vs)
if degree(g,s) > 0 # this might be 1?
state = dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, s; allpaths=true)
if endpoints
_accumulate_endpoints!(betweenness, state, g, s)
_accumulate_basic!(betweenness, state, g, s)
133.344839 seconds (95.12 M allocations: 15.006 GiB, 1.41% gc time)

julia> betweenness2 = SharedArray{Float64}(n_v);

julia> @time for s in vs
if degree(g,s) > 0 # this might be 1?
state = dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, s; allpaths=true)
if endpoints
_accumulate_endpoints!(betweenness2, state, g, s)
_accumulate_basic!(betweenness2, state, g, s)
131.878554 seconds (95.12 M allocations: 15.006 GiB, 1.38% gc time)

julia> betweenness2 == betweenness

julia> sum(betweenness2-betweenness)

julia> betweennessp = SharedArray{Float64}(n_v);

julia> @time @sync @parallel for s in vs
if degree(g,s) > 0 # this might be 1?
state = dijkstra_shortest_paths(g, s; allpaths=true)
if endpoints
_accumulate_endpoints!(betweennessp, state, g, s)
_accumulate_basic!(betweennessp, state, g, s)
75.195969 seconds (334.83 k allocations: 22.154 MiB, 0.01% gc time)

julia> sum(betweennessp-betweenness)

I am trying to parallelise a loop. Whenever I run loop sequentially and add to shared array the difference in two successive runs is almost insignificant which is justified. But when i run the same loop in parallel and add to the shared array i get significant difference with answer in previous cases. Can anyone please explain this / point out error

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You probably shouldn’t tag user questions as Development. That’s one way to incur the wrath of the gods.

Yup changed that…btw any idea on why is sequential code behaving differently from parallel code?

Have you made sure each process reads and write disjoint segments of the array? Without the code for _accumulate, I can’t say for certain, but seems probable that you aren’t writing to independent pieces of it? (and avoiding reading from it?)

Thanks!! I was not writing in independent segments and probably that was causing collision.