Using IJulia with existing Jupyter installation outwith Anaconda

Hi Justin,

I just solved the problem on my own laptop(Mac) after having some troubles.

Just to mention it:
I tried this in a new virtual environment I only initialized for this!
(If you need help setting up a new environment, please tell me.)

I will just tell you exactly what I did after activating the new environment.

Set ENV paths (find the right paths with “where python” in terminal and test them (after declaring) via “run($(ENV["PYTHON"]) --version)” in Julia, analogous with jupyter):

ENV[“JUPYTER”]= “/path/to/venv/bin/jupyter”

Add and build IJulia:

] add IJulia
] build IJulia

(to reinsure) Check path to Jupyter:

using IJulia

Now I updated Julia:

] update

Use IJulia and run notebook:

using IJulia

After updating Julia it was the first time I did not get an Conda import request (install Jupyter via Conda, y/n? [y]: ).

I don’t know wether it was the newly created environment or the Julia update that made it work.
Hope this works for you as well.


see also, for further inspiration:

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