Hi guys,
I have a function, loglikelihood ll, of a vector of parameters that I need to AutoDiff. I also need to apply some transformations within ll, and as long as I keep the Vector form of the input, that works fine.
I would like to improve this a little to make it more general by filling the input into a custom mutable struct, my model mod. That way I could easily use AD for different model distributions. I try to define that model struct as general as possible, but continue to receive errors - the problem here is that I cannot put a ForwardDiff.Duals in an array of Floats, that is automatically assigned to my mutable struct. I tried to extend the function that fills the model but I believe that is not the issue here, as everything works fine if I use the function without filling.
I provided a short example here and would be very grateful if someone could provide any advice:
using Parameters, Distributions
using ForwardDiff, Zygote
mutable struct MyDistribution
distribution :: Any
param :: OrderedDict{Symbol, Any } #Parameter of Distribution
prior :: OrderedDict{Symbol, Vector{<:Distribution} } #Prior of Parameter of Distribution
function shape_param(θₜ::Vector{R}, prior) where {R<:Real}
return length(θₜ) == 1 ? θₜ : reshape( θₜ, size(prior) ) #θₜ[1]
#shape_param(θₜ::Vector{ ForwardDiff.Dual{T,V,N} }, param) where {T,V,N} = shape_param(ForwardDiff.value(θₜ), param)
#Functor to fill this struct - just as example to receive the same error as in original code
function (distr::MyDistribution)(θ_new::AbstractVector)
@unpack param, prior = distr
for state in 1:2
param[:λ][state] = shape_param(θ_new[state], prior[:λ][state] ) #HERE IS MY ERROR LINE ORIGIN
@pack! distr = param
return nothing
#Likelihood function of interest
function get_likelihood(distr::MyDistribution, data)
function ll(θ_new::AbstractVector)
#update MyDistribution
distr(θ_new) #FIRST ERROR Line in AD
#now call the logpdf
lp = logpdf( distr.distribution(θ_new[1]), data)
return lp
#Calling these functions works as intended
distr = MyDistribution(Poisson,
OrderedDict(:λ => [ 1., 2. ] ),
OrderedDict(:λ => [ Gamma(2,2), Gamma(2,2) ] )
θ_new = [5., 6.]
data = 10
#Check - working
ll = get_likelihood(distr, data )
#Unfortunately, cannot use AD
ForwardDiff.gradient(ll, θ_new) #TypeError: in typeassert, expected Float64, got ForwardDiff.Dual{Nothing,Float64,2}
Zygote.gradient(ll, θ_new) #Mutating arrays is not supported
Calling these functions works as intended, but unfortunately I cannot use autodiff. due to line
param[:λ][state] = shape_param(θ_new[state], prior[:λ][state] )
I can autodiff through the function shape_param
, but cannot assign Duals to the struct. Does anyone have an idea how I could change that?