I’m using my own module where models can be summarized to be functions y = f(θ)
depending on parameters θ
, the latter being defined as a specific type P
. I can’t change that without rewriting the whole module, which I can’t afford at the moment. I’ve written my own Jacobian function but I now want to use automatic differentiation. The problem I’m facing is that the latter only works with functions depending on Vector
s. I’ve tried to adapt things as in the following MWE:
using ForwardDiff
type P
## convert parameters to vector
make_vector(θ::P) = map(z -> getfield(θ, z), fieldnames(θ))
## toy model
function f(θ::P)
x = make_vector(θ)
return sum(x) > 0.0 ? sin.(x) : cos.(x)
g(x::Vector) = f(P(x...))
df(θ::P) = ForwardDiff.jacobian(g, make_vector(θ))
x = [1.0, 2.0]
θ = P(x...)
dfdθ = df(θ)
The problem is that doing so fails because of the way jacobian
works in the ForwardDiff
module, I therefore get this error:
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type ForwardDiff.Dual{ForwardDiff.Tag{#g,Float64},Float64,2} to an object of type Float64
Is there a way to overcome this? By keeping the signature of my models with the P
parameters of course. Many thanks,