Based on the CUDA.jl github I tried to create a CuSparseMatrixCSR matrix. I’m sparing the loading of the data, all of the values I input in are defined.
using CUDA
export CuSparseMatrixCSC, CuSparseMatrixCSR, CuSparseMatrixBSR, CuSparseMatrixCOO,
CuSparseMatrix, AbstractCuSparseMatrix,
using LinearAlgebra: BlasFloat
using SparseArrays: nonzeroinds, dimlub
nnzJ = length(vals)
N = length(rows)-1
M = length(vec)
rows_d = CuVector{Int64}(rows)
cols_d = CuVector{Int64}(cols)
vals_d = CuVector{Float64}(vals)
dims::NTuple{2,Int64} = (N,M)
A = CuSparseMatrixCSR{Int64, Float64}(rows_d, cols_d, vals_d, dims, nnzJ)
Most of these I included just because I saw them in the file and wanted to be safe. I got
LoadError: UndefVarError: `CuSparseMatrixCSR` not defined
on the final line. Any ideas on how to fix this?