Using CuArrays returns incompatibility between CUDA and LLVM

I am trying to follow this example on Windows 10 and Julia 1.4 and I am getting the following warning:

using CuArrays
x_d = CuArrays.fill(1.0f0, N)  # a vector stored on the GPU filled with 1.0 (Float32)
y_d = CuArrays.fill(2.0f0, N)  # a vector stored on the GPU filled with 2.0


┌ Info: Precompiling CuArrays [3a865a2d-5b23-5a0f-bc46-62713ec82fae]
└ @ Base loading.jl:1260
┌ Warning: Incompatibility detected between CUDA and LLVM 8.0+; disabling debug info emission for CUDA kernels
└ @ CUDAnative C:\Users\sbac\.julia\packages\CUDAnative\hfulr\src\CUDAnative.jl:114

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