Incompatibility detected between CUDA and LLVM 8.0+;


this is julia 1.4.0 updated as of today. When I ran

using CuArrays
using CuArrays.CURAND
using CUDAnative
using CUDAdrv

I got the above warning

Warning: Incompatibility detected between CUDA and LLVM 8.0+; disabling debug info emission for CUDA kernels
└ @ CUDAnative /home/mazzanti/.julia/packages/CUDAnative/hfulr/src/CUDAnative.jl:114

and do not know whether this is a real problem or not, but somehow surprises me. My install is fresh so all my packages (including CUDA things) are up to date…



Nothing to worry about, unless you want to use cuda-gdb. The warning will be hidden in the next CUDAnative release.

OK then, thanks a lot :slight_smile: