There is GeoInterfaceRecipes which allows to use LibGEOS along with Plots.jl. Is there a similar package for combining LibGEOS with Makie?
I haven’t used it, but came across GeoInterface.jl/GeoInterfaceMakie at main · JuliaGeo/GeoInterface.jl · GitHub. It looks like what you are searching for.
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That was indeed what @jw3126 was searching for, since he ended up writing it But good to have that listed here as well. Note that there is also LibGEOSMakie for extra convenience, which calls GeoInterfaceMakie.@enable(LibGEOS.AbstractGeometry)
. It’s listed in the LibGEOS readme as well.
Just for posterity’s sake, this is now integrated into LibGEOS via a package extension on Makie, so everything should “just work”. If it doesn’t, then it’s a bug!
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