Updating Makie subscene mouse click limits when zooming and panning

This example:

using Makie, Random

scene = Scene(resolution = (1200, 1500))

scene1 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 0, 1200, 900))
image = rand(1:4, 640, 480)
imagenode = Node(image)
image!(scene1, imagenode, scale_plot = false, show_axis = false, interpolate = false, colormap=[:white, :blue, :green, :red])

scene2 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 900, 1200, 550))
polynode = Node(rand(Vec2f, 10))
lines!(scene2, polynode)

scene3 = Scene(scene, IRect(0, 1460, 1200, 40))
textnode = Node("text")
text!(scene3, textnode, show_axis = false)


on(scene1.events.mousebuttons) do buttons
  if ispressed(scene1, Mouse.left)
    pos = to_world(scene1, Point2f0(scene1.events.mouseposition[]))
    image[round.(Int, pos .+ 0.5)...] = 1
    imagenode[] = image
    polynode[] = rand(Vec2f, 10)
    textnode[] = "$(round.(Int, pos .+ 0.5))"

# on(scene1.events.window_area) do _
#   update!(scene1)
# end

restricts scene1.events.mousebuttons to scene1 area until I zoom in. Then, clicks outside of visible scene1 may be passed to the callback. I tried to change it with the last (commented out) lines, but it doesn’t help. What is the way to restrict mouse click events to the visible subscene area when zooming and panning?