Hi guys,
the whole plotting stuff very confuses me. For example I manage to display my plot with Plots.jl with the plotlyjs backend (it opens a new browser tab and shows my plot), and I am happy with it. However I do not understand, how exactly it works and what exactly causes the browser to open and to connect it with my plot. Because I do not understand, how it works, I do very hard modifying things the way I would like them to work.
This is my code so far, and it is working:
# Julia 1.2, using Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu
using Plots
# x, y and l defined somewhere else...
p=plot(x[1],y[1]; label=l[1], size=(500,250), dpi=300)
for i=2:10
plot!(x[i],y[i]; label=l[i])
You see that I have the display
function twice. Now I would like that when I modify the plot somehow (for example with plot!
), that the plot updates in the same window. However, everytime I call display
, my browser opens a new page called file:///tmp/jl_XXXXXX.html
I don’t know why this file is created in the first place, and how the plot is forwarded to this file.
Is it possible to create a well defined file, open it in my browser automatically, and to modify and reload that page whenever I need to? Also, If someone could explain me how display exactly works, I would be glad.