On Julia Version 1.0.2
the output of the following code
using LinearAlgebra
unblock(A) = mapreduce(identity, hcat, [mapreduce(identity, vcat, A[:,i]) for i = 1:size(A,2)])
x[1]=[1+2im 1-im;-3 4+3im]
x[2]=[1+im 0;1 1+im]
Any[Complex{Int64}[1+2im 1-1im; -3+0im 4+3im], Complex{Int64}[1+1im 0+0im; 1+0im 1+1im]]
Complex{Int64}[1+2im 1-1im; -3+0im 4+3im; 1+1im 0+0im; 1+0im 1+1im]
Complex{Int64}[17+0im -12-11im; -12+11im 29+0im]
Complex{Int64}[17+0im -12-11im; -12+11im 29+0im]
46 + 0im
The correct result is the one obtained by line 9 using the unblocked array y
The same result is obtained by line 10 using blocked array x
Although by definition and in Julia adjoint equals conjugate transpose, the result of the last line is scalar.
Multiplication by adjoint works fine is all elements of x
are scalars. Could it work correctly in the blocked case, too?
See https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/27401 for the change and a discussion of this change. The aim was to make dot
return a scalar. However, I agree that this is unfortunate would have preferred that the result was a matrix. An example that really makes the issue with the current solution clear is
julia> x
2-element Array{Any,1}:
Complex{Int64}[1 + 2im 1 - 1im; -3 + 0im 4 + 3im]
Complex{Int64}[1 + 1im 0 + 0im; 1 + 0im 1 + 1im]
julia> xm = reshape(x, 2, 1)
2×1 Array{Any,2}:
Complex{Int64}[1 + 2im 1 - 1im; -3 + 0im 4 + 3im]
Complex{Int64}[1 + 1im 0 + 0im; 1 + 0im 1 + 1im]
julia> x'x
46 + 0im
julia> (xm'xm)[1]
2×2 Array{Complex{Int64},2}:
17+0im -12-11im
-12+11im 29+0im
so for array elements, we treat vectors and one-column matrices completely different.
A usecase I’m sad isn’t possible is to store a matrix as a vector of rowvectors.
julia> X1 = randn(3,2);
julia> X2 = [X1[i,:]' for i in 1:size(X1, 1)];
julia> X3 = reshape(X2, length(X2), 1);
julia> X1'X1
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
2.58747 0.733045
0.733045 0.420716
julia> X2'X2
julia> (X3'X3)[1]
2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
2.58747 0.733045
0.733045 0.420716
(this would be really useful for SVector