Hi, I’m new to Discourse. I want to start collaborating on packages so I’m descovering how it’s done. For so, I was trying to recreate this example from the Revise.jl
docs, which I can do perfectly with the Example
package. First I do
pkg> dev Example
julia> using Revise
julia> using Example
julia> Example.hello("world")
"Hello world"
Then, whitout quitting the Julia session I modify the Example.hello
module Example
hello(who::String) = "Hello, revised $who"
end # module
Back in the Julia REPL I get the following
julia> Example.hello("world")
"Hello revised world"
so it’s working alright. The problem arises when I use a custom, local package. As in the previously mentioned, Revised.jl
example, I begin creating a package:
julia> t = Template(user = "Erasmo98")
authors: ["Erasmo98 and contributors"]
dir: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev"
host: "github.com"
julia: v"1.0.0"
user: "Erasmo98"
file: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\github\workflows\CompatHelper.yml"
destination: "CompatHelper.yml"
cron: "0 0 * * *"
ignore: String[]
name: nothing
email: nothing
branch: nothing
ssh: false
jl: true
manifest: false
gpgsign: false
path: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\licenses\MIT"
destination: "LICENSE"
version: v"0.1.0"
file: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\README.md"
destination: "README.md"
inline_badges: false
badge_order: DataType[Documenter{GitHubActions}, Documenter{GitLabCI}, Documenter{TravisCI}, GitHubActions, GitLabCI, TravisCI, AppVeyor, DroneCI, CirrusCI, Codecov, Coveralls, BlueStyleBadge, ColPracBadge]
badge_off: DataType[]
file: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\src\module.jl"
file: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\github\workflows\TagBot.yml"
destination: "TagBot.yml"
trigger: "JuliaTagBot"
token: Secret("GITHUB_TOKEN")
ssh: Secret("DOCUMENTER_KEY")
ssh_password: nothing
changelog: nothing
changelog_ignore: nothing
gpg: nothing
gpg_password: nothing
registry: nothing
branches: nothing
dispatch: nothing
dispatch_delay: nothing
file: "C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\packages\PkgTemplates\60BEI\templates\test\runtests.jl"
project: false
julia> t("MyExample")
[ Info: Running prehooks
[ Info: Running hooks
Activating environment at `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample\Project.toml`
Updating registry at `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\registries\General`
Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git`
No Changes to `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample\Project.toml`
No Changes to `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample\Manifest.toml`
Progress [========================================>] 1/1
1 dependency successfully precompiled in 1 seconds
Activating environment at `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml`
[ Info: Running posthooks
[ Info: New package is at C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample
julia> using MyExample
ERROR: ArgumentError: Package MyExample not found in current path:
- Run `import Pkg; Pkg.add("MyExample")` to install the MyExample package.
[1] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
@ Base .\loading.jl:871
I got this ArgumentError
but I think I solved it doing
pkg> add "C:\\Users\\Erasmo\\.julia\\dev\\MyExample"
Cloning git-repo `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample`
Updating git-repo `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample`
Resolving package versions...
Updating `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\environments\v1.6\Project.toml`
[02d13bce] + MyExample v0.1.0 `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample#master`
Updating `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\environments\v1.6\Manifest.toml`
[02d13bce] + MyExample v0.1.0 `C:\Users\Erasmo\.julia\dev\MyExample#master`
Precompiling project...
Progress [========================================>] 2/2
2 dependencies successfully precompiled in 3 seconds (155 already precompiled)
Now I can use MyExample
julia> using MyExample
and without quitting the Julia session, I create MyExample.hello
function as follows.
module MyExample
hello() = "Hello world!"
end # module
I’m not getting the ArgumentError
anymore but now I get this UndefVarError
julia> MyExample.hello()
ERROR: UndefVarError: hello not defined
[1] getproperty(x::Module, f::Symbol)
@ Base .\Base.jl:26
[2] top-level scope
@ REPL[13]:1
Now I don´t know what to do. The problem is not with Revise.jl
since I get the same error even after restarting Julia. I suspect that I’m not adding the package correctly. Shouldn’t Julia find my package by itself? Why do I need to add my package as follows?
pkg> add "path/to/package"
This is my first question so I don´t know if I’m asking it right.