I have just installed Julia 1.0, and I am new to Julia. I am testing standard Linear Algebra functions, however, it seems I could get access to these functions. For instance, I typed in vecdot(1:5, 2:6), following instructions on Linear Algebra · The Julia Language, and I got this error:
ERROR: UndefVarError: vecdot not defined
What is the issue with this please?
The documentation you are looking at is for version 0.6.2
. You can see which version you are on in the upper left corner. For the 1.0
documentation, see the following: Linear Algebra · The Julia Language
The function you want is now called LinearAlgebra.dot
. We can call it with the following:
julia> using LinearAlgebra
julia> dot(1:5, 2:6)
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Ok. Many thanks. It works!