Unable to automatically download/install artifact 'Ghostscript' from sources listed in .../.julia/...Artifects.toml

I encounter this error using Julia 1.9.0 when adding a local package. The whole error message is

   Resolving package versions...
  Downloaded artifact: Ghostscript
  Downloaded artifact: Ghostscript
ERROR: Unable to automatically download/install artifact 'Ghostscript' from sources listed in '/home/username/.julia/packages/Ghostscript_jll/OPSVb/Artifacts.toml'.
Sources attempted:
- https://pkg.julialang.org/artifact/4883a6685d86b068da934537a444a6d170d71730
    Error: RequestError: HTTP/2 301 (Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds) while requesting https://pkg.julialang.org/artifact/4883a6685d86b068da934537a444a6d170d71730
- https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/Ghostscript_jll.jl/releases/download/Ghostscript-v9.55.0+4/Ghostscript.v9.55.0.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
    Error: RequestError: HTTP/2 302 (Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds) while requesting https://github.com/JuliaBinaryWrappers/Ghostscript_jll.jl/releases/download/Ghostscript-v9.55.0+4/Ghostscript.v9.55.0.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

But on the same machine (Debian), I have no problem running wget https://pkg.julialang.org/artifact/4883a6685d86b068da934537a444a6d170d71730 and get the file within seconds.

I tried again with julia 1.8.5 and the same problem happens. I think it is somehow related to my company network.

I tried the same thing on a Windows laptop, on the same network, and it works. No downloading problem. I tried again on a Ubuntu 20.04.6 laptop, same error message as before.

I managed to manually install this artifact by using Pkg.Artifacts.download_artifact() function, along with information found in the Artifacts.Toml file in Ghostscript_jll.jl GitHub repo.

First, download the tarball using another method, then spin up a local server, serve the tarball at http://localhost:port/filename, then use this url as one of the arguments in download_artifact()