Hi, I’m trying to automate some travis/github stuff in Julia. I’m running into some problems.
When I try to run travis login from the command line it works just fine, but if I try to run from within julia, I run into problems.
julia> run(`travis login`)
ERROR: could not spawn `travis login`: no such file or directory (ENOENT)
in _jl_spawn(::String, ::Array{String,1}, ::Ptr{Void}, ::Base.Process, ::RawFD, ::RawFD, ::RawFD) at .\process.jl:321
in #414 at .\process.jl:478 [inlined]
in setup_stdio(::Base.##414#415{Cmd,Ptr{Void},Base.Process}, ::Tuple{RawFD,RawFD,RawFD}) at .\process.jl:466
in #spawn#413(::Nullable{Base.ProcessChain}, ::Function, ::Cmd, ::Tuple{RawFD,RawFD,RawFD}, ::Bool, ::Bool) at .\process.jl:477
in run(::Cmd) at .\process.jl:591