I want to timeout if I don’t get any messages.
The equivalent of that would be to simply do some sort of wait condition on the channel, and if there was no data ready then timeout.
I thought I had found something to do that in the docs, but now I can’t seem to find it, so if there is such a thing could someone point me to it ?
A couple of things about this code bother me.
One is that I’m putting bytes in the channel one at a time, and I’m thinking there’s a better way to do that.=
The other is that putting a close(sock) at the end of the code causes a core dump.
I’ve seen this mentioned in another post, and there didn’t seem to be any resolution.
Regardless of whether or not something’s being done incorrectly, a core dump on a mistaken close seems like a serious bug.
function getdata(address, chan)
@async begin
udpsock = UDPSocket()
bind(udpsock, address, 2000)
while true
x = recv(udpsock)
put!(chan, UInt8(length(x)))
for byte in x
put!(chan, byte)
c = Channel{UInt8}(100)
getdata(ip"", c)
sock = UDPSocket()
for i=1:10
println("i=", i)
send(sock, ip"", 2000, "$i:Hello World from the UDP")
n = take!(c)
x = Array{UInt8,1}()
for i=1:n
push!(x, take!(c))