Reviving this topic instead of opening a new one, hope that is OK.
I found that with something like the following tiny utility function, one can automate the fallback to getfield
in Julia 1.10:
Base.@constprop :aggressive function getfield_or_dispatch(value::T, key::Symbol) where T
@assert isstructtype(T)
if key ā fieldnames(T)
getfield(value, key)
_getproperty(value, Val(key))
@inline function Base.getproperty(foo::Foo, key::Symbol)
getfield_or_dispatch(foo, key)
_getproperty(foo::Foo, ::Val{:calculated}) = 1
is then inferred in the contexts I have tested.
Now I am wondering whether to package this up in a tiny library, and if yes, what the API should be. A macro could take care of the getproperty
indirection. And I defining methods for getproperty(foo, ::Val{thingy})
is not technically type piracy but a bit smelly.