I have a use case where I need to iterate over a set of static parameters. I’m not sure how to do that in a type stable way. A MWE is below:
function foo(::Val{N}) where N
n = 0
for i in 1:N
n += sum(ntuple(identity, Val(i)))
return n
I’ve tried hacking together something like the following, but it’s still not type stable
foo(::Val{N}) where N = foo(Val.(ntuple(identity, N))...)
function foo(inds::Vararg{<:Val})
n = 0
for i in inds
n += sum(ntuple(identity, i))
return n
Is there a good way to make something like this type stable?
I assume it’s not unrolled even though everything is known to the compiler, so each Val is still unstable and boxed. @code_llvm suggests that’s whats happening.
So @bmit If you want this to compile away, you need to use recursion somehow or other rather than a loop:
julia> function foo2(::Val{N}) where N
reduce(ntuple(identity, N); init=0) do acc, i
acc + sum(ntuple(identity, Val{i}()))
julia> @btime foo2(Val{10}())
1.072 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
But this also has type stability limits, and wont compile away for all N. If you use N = 11 it could be a few orders of magnitude slower.
Edit: by specifing this is foldable you can make it compile away for all N
Base.@assume_effects foldable function foo2(::Val{N}) where N
reduce(ntuple(identity, N); init=0) do acc, i
acc + sum(ntuple(identity, Val{i}()))
An example that more faithfully/realistically represents your problem may help. In particular, is the final result supposed to get completely constant folded in your actual problem?