Type stability when looping over fields in a heterogenous data struct

I have a number of structs that contain arrays that vary in their dimension. I have a function that takes takes these structs, and loops over the fields, performing some operation. Suppose, for simplicity, that I was just calculating the total length of all these arrays. I can accomplish this using the following

function test(xyz)
    total_length = 0
    fields = map(f -> getproperty(xyz, f), propertynames(xyz))
    @inbounds for field in fields
        total_length += length(field)
    return total_length

If I have a struct such as

struct y_t
    a::Array{Float64, 1}
    b::Array{Float64, 2}
    c::Array{Float64, 3}

with, for example, y = y_t(zeros(3), zeros(10, 2), zeros(2,5,10)), then the function test called with type y_t is not type stable as field is either a vector, matrix, or multi-dimensional array. How can I achieve type stability and avoid any allocations? I wish to maintain heterogeneous data in my structs, if possible. Thanks.

In this case, the compiler was able to determine that field only took on the 3 types in the tuple resulting from the map, so the returned total_length was inferred as Int64. I wouldn’t worry about the method, it doesn’t even allocate.

But if you really don’t like that @code_llvm-red type-unstable variable iterating through a heterogenous tuple, you can do tuple to tuple computations, like test2(xyz) = sum(ntuple(i -> length(getfield(xyz, i)), fieldcount(typeof(xyz)))). That’s for simpler cases, generally I see inlined recursive tuple constructions, like map(f, t::Tuple) = (@inline; (f(t[1]), map(f,tail(t))...)).

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Another way to get clean code warntype is to use ConstructionBase:

using ConstructionBase
function test2(xyz)
    sum(length, getproperties(xyz))

@code_warntype test2(xyz)
# MethodInstance for test2(::y_t)
#   from test2(xyz) in Main at /home/jan/delme/doit.jl:9
# Arguments
#   #self#::Core.Const(test2)
#   xyz::y_t
# Body::Int64
# 1 ─ %1 = Main.getproperties(xyz)::NamedTuple{(:a, :b, :c), Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, A
# rray{Float64, 3}}}
# │   %2 = Main.sum(Main.length, %1)::Int64
# └──      return %2

You can use getproperties and setproperties to convert between “struct” land and NamedTuple land and typically Base has good implementations of doing all kinds of manipulations with NamedTuples.


Why not eliminate your problem with something like this:

struct y_t{n, T <: NTuple{n, AbstractArray}}
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Val(fieldcount(typeof(xyz))) could be better than fieldcount(typeof(xyz)), if the field count is greater than ten, at least.

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This structure will be far less performant, no? Because it has AbstractArrayss inside.

NTuple{3, AbstractArray} is an abstract type like Tuple{T,U,V} where {T<:AbstractArray, U<:AbstractArray, V<:AbstractArray}, so T would just be typeof(arrays).

julia> y = y_t((zeros(3), zeros(10, 2), zeros(2,5,10))); typeof(y)
y_t{3, Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}, Array{Float64, 3}}}

In T <: NTuple{n, AbstractArray}, the right-hand side is merely a constraint on the left-hand side, saying that T must subtype NTuple{n, AbstractArray}. Note that, unlike other Julia types, tuples are covariant, thus:

julia> Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Matrix{Float64}} <: NTuple{2, AbstractArray}

Yes, I forgot about the covariant bit, I am sorry. If it was not this exception, then my comment would have made sense.

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